OpenAmiga (73/964)

From:Matthew Kille
Date:5 Sep 2000 at 21:37:22
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Compressed archive formats

Hi Patrick,

On 03-Sep-00, Patrick Roberts wrote:

> In addition to AmiPak format, the
> GUI based version will also deal with bzip, gzip, tar, zip, and lha
> files. Here are some of the advantages:

Only the GUI version? It would be good if the normal AmiPak command line
parameters could also be used for the other archive types.

% amiunpak somefile.amp TO /temp/
% amiunpak another.bzip TO /temp/

(BTW: I hope we'll soon be getting away from these ugly unix-style switches
and using something a little more Amiga-like.)


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