OpenAmiga (757/964)

From:Rafael Vicar�a Alloza
Date:21 Sep 2000 at 20:44:39
Subject:Re:[Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization]

Hello Stephen,

On Thursday, 21-Sep-00, 00:44:36,
<> wrote about:
Re: [Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization]:

> Humm. AIX replicates the unix (ascii) config files into a database for
> faster lookup and parsing during run time. (Deamon updates the DB
> based on flat file changes at regular intervals or as told). At boot
> time the database is updated from the human readable flat files.

Hmmm. That's one of many design solutions. Maybe it's the best
compromise for AIX, because AIX tends to run in huge, industrial
strength environments, so you always have some 24x7 production server
available, or some other reasons not to be revealed or whatsoever.

Do you know of any home user running AIX? Although it's fine for big companies,
very fine indeed.

In short, a bit cumbersome IMHO.

> Just a thought...

So is mine... B-)

> Stephen/Initium7

> Rafael Vicar�a Alloza <> wrote:
> Hello Gustavo,

> On Wednesday, 20-Sep-00, 15:29:48,
> <> wrote about:
> Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization:

>> Hello,

>>> That's great. IMHO, *all* configuration files should be ASCII,
>>> so humans can read and understand it. No exceptions.

>> Only, if the information have sense.

> This is achieved by good design practice.

>> For example:
>> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{86747AC0-42A0-1069-A2E6-08002B30309D}

> That's not good design, as it shows. It's readable but not
> understandable. And it needs a nicely written man page, of course,
> so users can understand what they read. Simple, isn't it? <g>

>> and of course, please don't put all configurations
>> options inside only one file. (this is bad design).

> I guess that that depends on the functionality of the tool itself,
> i.e., small tools will have small config files, and huge tools will
> have what they deserve... ;-)

> Best regards

> ---Rafa

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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