OpenAmiga (764/964)

From:Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez
Date:22 Sep 2000 at 07:29:56
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga on NetBSD?

From: Rafael Vicar�a Alloza <>

[snipped lots of great info]

>> this discussion is getting sidetracked and has nothing to
>> do with the list anymore...

> I agree entirely, but I had to get all this off my chest...
> Hopefully it wasn't very boring... B-)

No way, I think this issue is important. That BSD family of UNIXes lloks
like an important base for Amiga to reach the server market. It's a place
where people don't see you, but there are the big players. By the way, why
don't Linux programs run on BSDs? I thought that, being of the same X breed,
porting was very easy. Is the API very different? At which layers?

See ya!

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