OpenAmiga (795/964)

From:Andreas Kuessner
Date:23 Sep 2000 at 19:41:02
Subject:AMIOPEN: Error while opening/closing Pixmap


Sometimes (lets say it runs 20 times o.k and then it crashes! -> no differences
between the 21 tests...) I get an Error with the following code:


I close the pixmap and open a new pixmap using a different size. Afterwards
I blit something in the new pixmap. Here comes the output: (the first
lines until `Signal 11 (Memory access error)` are the outputs from our program)


Now loading Image
...initialized operator 'tfo_circle'
...initialized operator 'tfo_cropdiff'
...op_timer = 0.002 sec, 507.357 OPS (tfo_circle)
...op_timer = 0.066 sec, 15.214 OPS (tfo_cropdiff)
...op_timer = 0.002 sec, 514.403 OPS (tfo_circle)
...op_timer = 0.045 sec, 22.354 OPS (tfo_cropdiff)
...op_timer = 0.002 sec, 513.347 OPS (tfo_circle)
Signal 11 (Speicherzugriffsfehler)
eax=00000000 ebx=00000040 ecx=402E6C98 edx=00000000 esp=40412978 ebp=FFFBE444
esi=402E6C9C edi=00001216 eip=4039920F flags=-P-Z--I--
5852FF 4039920F call [edx+58]

It runs most of the time without problems but sometimes it simply crashes...
So what`s the problem? Do I have to wait after closing a pixmap?

Bye, Andreas.

Andreas K�ssner E-Mail: HP:
Wildfire and Taifun Project Manager

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