OpenAmiga (798/964)

From:Don Cox
Date:23 Sep 2000 at 16:21:33
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga on NetBSD?

On 23-Sep-00, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> I am sure intent_shell would work on just about any POSIX/xfree86
> system but i hope amiha dont even try this, not because i dont like
> NetNSD but cos if NetBSD why not freebsd / openbsd / bsdi / hpux /
> sunos / irix / aix / and on and on.
> At some point amiga have to stop wasting time on porting the sdk to
> other platforms and start to devote there full effort to amigaos.

But one of the big advantages of the new DE is that it saves developers
having to port to lots of OSes. This would be particularly useful for
programs such as CAD and 3D design packages, which run on NT, Irix,
Solaris, etc and have to be expensively ported to each.

So I think it should run on as many workstation platforms as possible.

If it could run on Mac OS X too, that would immediately open up the G4 Mac
platform to these specialist developers. I think they would pay for

However, the porting work has to be done by Tao rather than AmigaInc.
But compared with porting to Windows, additional Unixoid platforms
should be quite easy.


Don Cox

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