OpenAmiga (833/964)

From:Don Cox
Date:26 Sep 2000 at 16:37:51
Subject:Re: [Re: [Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization]]

On 26-Sep-00, Stephen Lee wrote:
> Yes, your right. That is why I advocate the AIX model where the DB is
> built from flat files at load time. You can then edit the flatfile or
> the DB. sure you lose a 'bit' of time verifying the DB over the flat
> files during load vs. a pure bin. config db. But you gain a lot of
> advantages in query, global changes, .. with a db/bin file as a
> secondary. All that is required is a sync deamon to update the flat
> files when the DB/BIn is changed and a verify routine on load to
> ensure the db/bin is in sync with the flat files. It works for IBM's
> AIX (UNIX) system and it works well.

IMO config files should _always_ be in ASCII. Something _always_ goes
wrong, and a binary config file is impossible to fix. The application
won't start up because the config file is corrupt, so the only
possibility is to delete the whole config file and set the whole damn
thing up again from scratch.

IMO the correct format for a config file nowadays is XML. It is both
readable and parsable.

Help stamp out binary config files !


Don Cox

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