OpenAmiga (838/964)

From:Martin Steigerwald
Date:26 Sep 2000 at 22:29:53
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: QNX RTP released... (SDK on AmigaPPC?)

Victor I. Haaz <> wrote on Tue, 26 Sep 2000 21:04:36 +0200 about
"AMIOPEN: QNX RTP released... (SDK on AmigaPPC?)" in <01c027ec$9cf45fc0$8a64a8c0@luvnya>:

> Hello,
> Just seen on ANN that QNX RTP has released (for PC, yet(?)).
> (
> So, why I posted it here? Just because I wonder how shortly could they release
> it for the Classic-PPC. (Want they?) Well, I think who will release their stuff on the
> Classic-PPC first is the one who will captivate most/many-many Amigans' hearts...


Well I guess there are quite some Amiga PPC users who really want to
get some action out of the card they put so much money in. So I think
this is an issue.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
ICQ: #34355756

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