OpenAmiga (840/964)

From:Anders Bolager
Date:26 Sep 2000 at 13:16:45
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: /lib/tao/hashtable

On 25-Sep-00, Marc Culler wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:15:54AM -0500, Rudi Chiarito wrote:
>> The kernel has support for AVL trees, which are not the same as hash
>> tables, but still are very efficient.
>> Is there need for a public hash table class?
> I guess it depends on a "vision thing".
> Hash tables are certainly among the primitive data structures that one
> learns about in CS 101. They have already come up in the discussions
> on this list. Most systems don't provide them. So software that
> intends to be portable must contain its own implementation of a hash
> table if it needs to use one. Maybe that is fine. Maybe the public
> hash table class would not meet anyone's needs well enough to satisfy
> them. So maybe the public hash table would not get "reused" even
> though it is "reusable".

I've come upon hashtables a lot during web programming, but that may have
something to do with the fact that Perl does them so naturally. Still, they
are fast and simple.

By the way, in java you can key on every object that implements two simple
functions, so it's not limited just to strings. Makes hash tables very

> But to me it seems very consistent with the concepts of "reusability"
> and "small footprint" to provide system primitives that implement the
> standard CS 101 data structures in some fairly general way. They
> could all be subclasses of the class "Knuth".


> - Marc
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Anders Bolager <>

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