OpenAmiga (855/964)

From:Claus Luethje
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 12:51:44
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: QNX RTP released... (SDK on AmigaPPC?)

Hi Janne,

Janne Siren wrote:
> Claus Luethje wrote:
> > > I have a feeling that AMIE will run on only X86 desktop machines)
> > As Elate runs on many processors (StrongARM, PPC, x86, ...) it's very,
> > very unlikely that AMIE will be x86-only.
> > IMHO, AmigaPPC will not be supported, because not enough people bought
> > a PPC board, but technically it would work.
> Haven't Amiga already stated that they are working on a solution that would
> allow Classic PPC Amigas to run the new environment? 68k on the other hand
> will not be supported since Elate does not support it (and AFAIK never will,
> as Motorola, a partner/part owner (?) of Tao doesn't want it to?).
H&P is said/rumoured, to be working on it. I'm not sure what the status
there, though. I hope H&P prove me wrong, but I'm a little pessimistic.
You're right about 68k: Moto (partner of Tao) wants to let 68k die.

> But I do agree, the market for a new Amiga environment on a Classic Amiga is
> not very big, but the psychological effect could be significant. And since
> the new Amiga is based on a virtual processor, it probably wouldn't require
> that much of an effort... PowerPC the Elate already supports anyway.
Agreed. It would be great for classic users and PPC card sellers (DCE,
[As my AmigaPPC is dying slowly, I'd go for the AmigaOne anyway].
Another point: having VP for any processor isn't the most important
thing. A
lot of work has to go into chipset support. So just having Elate for PPC
say anything about AMIE on AmigaPPC.
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