OpenAmiga (861/964)

Date:27 Sep 2000 at 16:05:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: The Windoze SDK

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 08:57:08 +0200, Michiel Erasmus
<> wrote:

>Hoi Amigans,
>Zoltan said it exactly like it is for me also:
>I want to get going in the new AmigaOS, and, I dont' care on which host OS
>the SDK is hosted, preferebaly.. WindozeNT/2000.
>I'd prefer it if I can run the SDK hosted on my 'work' peecee hosting the
>SDK in Windoze2000 Server, and not on my 'devbox' AMD-133Mhz. To me, the
>one and ONLY real attraction of linux is the IP-NAT ability. But for that I
>can use MiamiDX, but my cable provider wont allow my AmigaA1200 on their
>Like me, there may be other people who have interest in developing for the
>new Amiga, but will stay away until they can do it from the Windoze version
>of the SDK.
>How long must I continue to waste my free time reading dozens of *LINUX*
>FAQs, HOWTo's and whatever? I'd rather spend that (now wasted) time
>productive on studying the aformentioned for the AMIGA!
>The bottomline is. I want to use the SDK and I want to use it in an familiar
>environment: WindozeNT. I wanted to use start to use it already 2 months
>To the guys, is there any time frame on which we can expect the
>release of the windoze version of the SDK? In Sep2k? Or maybe in Oct2K?

The first release of the Windows hosted version of the SDK is imminent. It
is now in QA. I suspect early to mid-October.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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