OpenAmiga (88/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:6 Sep 2000 at 03:39:13
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Compressed archive formats and Installers

> From: "David Trollope" <>
> I would like to take this topic one step further, and suggest that an
installer is
> provided also. The installer can read the chosen archive format and
> the files in the right place on the system, checking version numbers etc.
> course this would require a standard versioning technique also. These are
> all things the classic had and should be carried over. (Except the
> installer reading the archive itself...)

Way ahead of ya, buddy. (:

Personal opinion though; archive format details shouldn't be hard coded
into *any* installer. It should be able to make use of whatever archiver
achieves the best compression for that patch set. Especially if that
installer is also integrated with an auto-update-like feature, among other

*whistles innocently*

> One should also be careful of compression copyright infringements.... It
> gets ugly...

Which is why it should be independent of all compression.

On a (barely-)related note, everyone knows that the RSA patent
expires on Sept 20th, don't they? (:


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