OpenAmiga (880/964)

From:Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez
Date:28 Sep 2000 at 07:20:54
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: The Windoze SDK


I see the SDK for Windows is coming, and that's just fine, as it will break
a very important resistance for the new Amiga to get through the masses (me
included). It's a pity it also breaks Bill's word "no money to Microsoft",
but it's only a logical course.

> envision a run-time environment that is so small you can
> sell a CD of YOUR applications, games, etc along with this
> run-time environment and know that it will load and run on
> Windows, Linux, etc.

What can Amiga do to ease the *installation* issues that might appear?
Alright, my program will run on top of AmigaDE no matter what other software
is supporting it. But will Amiga provide and guarantee that AmigaDE will
take care of its own installation?

See ya!

Neutrino powering the world!

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