OpenAmiga (894/964)

From:Zoltan Hunt
Date:28 Sep 2000 at 14:38:48
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: The Windoze SDK

I think this thread has almost come to an end...for another few weeks :)

About the Money to Microsoft issue- the people buying the Win-hosted SDK
already have Windoze in some form (otherwise they'd be using the
Linux-hosted SDK) so they've already payed for it (or maybe not). The point
is that, yes, Amiga is writing some software that happens to run on top of
Windoze and Linux and whatever else. Yes, they are spending a bit of money
on something that could be called a Windows applications, but its only a
step. (And I think there will be a lot more 'Amiga' in this than the ability
to launch AmigaDE from the 'Start' button.


-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2000 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: AMIOPEN: The Windoze SDK

>I see the SDK for Windows is coming, and that's just fine, as it will break
>a very important resistance for the new Amiga to get through the masses (me
>included). It's a pity it also breaks Bill's word "no money to Microsoft",
>but it's only a logical course.

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