OpenAmiga (927/964)

From:Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 08:39:40
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: The Windoze SDK

From: Grzegorz Kraszewski <>

>> Quake, Napalm, Myst and Foundation: Directors Cut is just that:
>> slideshows on my A1200-030 28Mhz.

> Heh, so You have 1995-like config and still want to use 2000-like
> software... How many times do You upgrade your PC for five years?

I see you have a killer Amiga configuration, but have in mind: How easy is
it to upgrade an Amiga up to that level? How much does it cost? How much
more complex this lovable computer turns out to be? Michael was looking at
the big picture. By the way, such Amiga monsters (I also have a PowerUP in
my A3000) are fine for specific tasks, but the nice thing about the Amiga is
just how many things you can do (at once!) with a ten year old CPU. I spent
more than a thoousand dollars in my PowerUP and new hard drive, and find
that my machine is not more powerful at all for the things I do with it. The
64 Mb in SIMM sockets are the most used feature of it (although I found I
only needed a dozen megabytes).
Our PowerPC coprocessors are very fine at showing off to friends, but a
tremendous overkill for our computers, which in fact get replaced piece by
piece. That's not an Amiga, it's another computer plugged inside!
Anyway, I guess everyone knew this, how redundant. And it belongs to our
classic "inner advocacy" debate, so...

See ya!

Neutrino powering the world!

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