OpenAmiga (942/964)

From:Don Cox
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 16:55:53
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Does this look useful to you?

On 29-Sep-00, Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez wrote:

> You mean the very certain jealusy and lack of confidence between these
> two "new Amigas"? Well, if I'm not making it all in my mind (could be,
> but I feel it sometimes), I can live with it anyway. It should help
> both being more competitive. Anyway, I know who is better of the two
> (see? that's the typical hidden comment that you call "strange
> atmosphere"), for me, of course. Others will prefer the other
> solution. It's a pity the "classic" Amiga has been left behind these
> two very good initiatives. It's sad to realize now just how old our
> platform is. I really hope the AmigaOne comes to reality one day, and
> that it looks as much as an Amiga 500/1200 as it can be, forgetting
> all that "convergence, infoappliance, pervasive, content-rich" crap
> (sorry for the term, but it irritates me a lot). Put it in the market
> with a BASIC, a tracker, and a paint program, and watch the Amiga
> spirit come back.

If you have access to a computer running Internet Explorer on a large
screen (needed for the demo), take a look at this web site:

It's a new video program (for PC) which is the just kind of thing we need to have
on the new Amigas.

(You can view all except the demo on an Amiga browser. The demo is


Don Cox

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