OpenAmiga (950/964)

From:Marc Culler
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 22:59:43
Subject:AMIOPEN: dynamic linking

On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 04:23:43PM -0500, Rudi Chiarito wrote:

> You mean you're not going to ask "Why doesn't Amiga port the SDK and
> the DE to GEOS on the C64?"? ;)))

Well, I was wondering about that ...

> Of course there's a dynamic linker in Elate. It's documented at
> <file:/usr/doc/intent/lang/cc/doc/dynamic.html>.


> As to the "tools vs shared object libraries" argument:

Hey! I wasn't arguing. Are all these megabytes of b*llsh*t making
you just a little bit testy?

> tools are the preferred mechanism, also because they're quite more
> powerful.


> Shared libraries can be used for legacy C code.

Yes, that is exactly what I have to deal with. "Legacy" means
something that was written for one of those 30-year-old operating
systems (even if it happens to have been released a few weeks ago).

- Marc
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