WarpUp (113/277)

Date:10 Aug 2000 at 22:38:01
Subject:Re: warpos lockup

Hello Steffen

On 09-Aug-00, you wrote:

> owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :
> Hi!
>> I recently bought a BlizzPPC/200Mh 040/25Mh for my a1200 (3.0 rom).
>> Problem:
>> When trying to load an warpos app (it seems like the first time that
>> powerpc.library
>> is trying to load into memory) my amiga freezes and the only solution
>> reboot by holding ctrl amiga amiga for a long time (no guru, no
>> , no white screen or any other color , just lock the
> screen). ow> I have tried to update the flush rom but that didnt fix the
> problem. ow> I am using BPPCFix , and someone suggested i should install
> mmu.library (and ow> apropriate 68040.library) but again nothing happened.
> You do not need mmu.library for WarpOS. I myselves do not have it
> installed.
> And you are sure BPPCFix is installed correctly and ppc.library removed ?
> With what applications did you try ?
>> I tried to tweak the env vars of warpos, with every possible
> combination, ow> but no help.
>> Any ideas?
> There is nothing that special there to do... if you have BPPCFix running
> that is... The default setting should be correct normally...
> Let's see...
> debug: 0
> memprot: 0
> nopatch: Check if it has the value recommended in the BPPCFix Docs
> Check that the correct warpHW.library is installed (but if you choose the
> correct Board - CyberstormPPC or BlizzardPPC - in the Installer Script
> this is correctly installed)
> If you have a BV/PPC or CV/PPC force should be 1 and gfxaddr $e0000000.
> What apps were this which were crashing ? If these were all
> rtgmaster-using apps installing MCPramlibpatch (in the Goodies/ directory
> of rtgmaster) by inserting c:MCPRamlibpatch >nil: to the startup-sequence
> after setpatch and copying MCPRamlibpatch to c: should help.
> Steffen
BPPCFix is installed correctly, no sign of ppc.library 68040.library or any
resident module.
I have tried without mmu.library installed,i have tried with the env vars,i
have copy manually the appropriate warpos libraries,i have put
but the problem persists.
I have no BVision.
I have noticed that my amiga locks (I have not crashes but a system freeze,
i can only escape after 10-15 secs of ctrl amiga amiga keys pressed ,after
that the amiga reboots) when i first try to load powerpc.library from disk.
For example when i open the 'system' information module on scout , which
would load powerpc.library and display infos about my system.
Another thing that came into my mind is if the problem has something to do
with my memory (2x 8MB simms).
After boot up i have ~13MB free...
