WarpUp (121/277)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:11 Aug 2000 at 10:35:14
Subject:Re: warpos lockup

> My 'RAM parity featured' ??
> What is this means and how can i know it ?
If your RAM has the specs printed on it like mine it should have 36 or 36 bits printed somewhere. Parity RAM is made for PC's, in the PPC Card booklet it said that the extra bits (4bits - 32 Memory Bits + 4 Parity Bits) wouldn't be used.

I recently checked my DAD's 060 A4k out & found that he was getting 50mb out of 48mb worth of SIMMS. Maybe RAM cards aren't designed to be very specific to their ratings (just like the 60ns issue).

Shane Ponting
New Zealand