WarpUp (125/277)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:11 Aug 2000 at 14:16:08
Subject:Re: warpos lockup

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> BPPCFix is installed correctly, no sign of ppc.library 68040.library or any
ow> other
ow> resident module.
ow> I have tried without mmu.library installed,i have tried with the env vars,i

MMU library is a 68k library, should not matter if it is installed or not.

ow> have copy manually the appropriate warpos libraries,i have put
ow> mcpramlibpatch,
ow> but the problem persists.

Please tell me which programs you tested. And I suggest we finish this with
private email as it is definitely a configuration problem. Mail to

ow> Another thing that came into my mind is if the problem has something to do
ow> with my memory (2x 8MB simms).
ow> After boot up i have ~13MB free...

In case you run a program that takes more than 13 MB, and on a program which
does not check if enough memory is available (Some games/Emulators ported from
PC, maybe...) this could be an explanation ... (13 MB is pretty low...)
