WarpUp (148/277)

From:Patrice Machin
Date:14 Aug 2000 at 15:21:52
Subject:Re: G3 & CGFX

Hello Bo,

On 14-Ao�t-2000, you e-wrote :

> btw: why the heck do Met@box use G3, that pile of slow shit
> G4... now that's better but not good enough...

Let's say... cost ?

> Voodoo 3 is slow and expensive...

I don't think so... Any Voodoo3 *easily* outperforms the Rage128 on my PC, which
itself *undoubtly* tears apart the poor Permedia2 on my Amiga.


*Patrice Machin* � Team AMIGA

The Gates Of Thunder . http://kaminarimon.org/
The Vanished Nerv-�2 . http://chez.com/evangelion/