WarpUp (149/277)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:14 Aug 2000 at 17:03:48
Subject:Re: warpos lockup


> No, it's marketing. :^} Normal math says that a K=1000,

err, normal maths dont have KiloBytes, they just have Kilo. which is 1000.

computers work in base-2, therefore the closest is 2^10 - which is 1024.
2^20 is 1MB = 1024K, and on and on.

> ignorant) customer? So everyone's marketing department
> takes every opportunity to make the product look better.
> Video Game carts are marked according to how many Mb's
> they have, not MB's... this makes them look 8 times as big. :^}

ah, but thats legal - they are saying the correct notation. however, selling
media that only holds 95,000,000 Bytes as a 100MB cartridge is illegal
