WarpUp (223/277)

From:Jonathan Hart
Date:18 Aug 2000 at 23:06:40
Subject:Re: G3 & CGFX

Hi there Sam

>> Does the news that someones done a JIT version of UAE interest you,
>> seeing as you develop the WOS port?
> The JIT is anyway an interesting piece of software. But there is
> probably not much point concerning the AMIGA version of UAE. It's
> mainly used to run old programs that won't run natively. Running
> AMIGA-68K programs at fast speed is best achieved by running them
> directly, not under emulation... even this JIT won't beat the 060
> on current AMIGA-PPC systems, not to talk about the big slowdown
> whenever graphics operations take place.

Good point- I was basing the hope on the fact that speed with UAE is low on
my 603e+ due to it being- well- pretty low spec.

I should reckon that old games run at full speed on Athlons or whatever, but
I've never had a chance to try.

All the best,

*Jonathan Hart*

WWW: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/j.hart/index.html
ICQ: 83098242