WarpUp (224/277)

From:Bo Simmons
Date:18 Aug 2000 at 23:29:47
Subject:Re: Multitask lock bug (was Re: Questions)

Hi Shane

On 18-Aug-00, you wrote:

>> The Quake'n'dnetc mix works fine here.
> Same here.
>> I've found a way to reproduce the problem, i've made a program which just
>> adds some numbers with the fpu, running that 64 times and having mpega
>> running produces a crash in no time.
> MP3, QUAKE & dnet mix causes me to only have 10 minutes stable system. I
> have no overheating so could this be that bug ??

Yes it could... This bug is most common on the 240MHz boards, eventhough
some of the 200MHz also have it. Also, often the 200 boards can be
overclocked to much more than the 240MHz board, for instance, my 240 board
CANNOT be overclocked, not even 250MHz (with 50MHz chrystal)... and refuses
to boot at 300MHz.

What CPU do you have? What factory-/current-clock?

Can you run mp3 + quake without crash? can you run mp3 + dnet without crash?

My guess is that it is the 68k that fucks up the PPC stuff, and not the
PPC... However, I get a WOS exception some of the times. Do I get WOS
exceptions also if the 68k crashes at this task?



Bo Wellejus Simmons

*System Configuration:*
/Hardware:/ *Amiga 1200T* *603e+ 240MHz*, *68060 66MHz*, *BVision PPC GFX*,
64MB Fast-Ram
20GB IBM harddrive, 18GB Western Digital harddrive, 17" Panasonic screen,
Power Tower, 24x Toshiba CD-Rom
/Software:/ *Amiga OS 3.5*, Directory Opus Magellan 2, Visual Prefs,
/Internet:/ IBrowse, YAM 2, *3Mbit Cable connection* (set to 1Mbit)

PC: Compaq Armada Portable, ugly as hell, and runs wintel, god damn I hate