WarpUp (226/277)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:18 Aug 2000 at 23:51:10
Subject:Re: Multitask lock bug (was Re: Questions)

> Yes it could... This bug is most common on the 240MHz boards, eventhough
> some of the 200MHz also have it. Also, often the 200 boards can be
> overclocked to much more than the 240MHz board, for instance, my 240 board
> CANNOT be overclocked, not even 250MHz (with 50MHz chrystal)... and refuses
> to boot at 300MHz.

> What CPU do you have? What factory-/current-clock?
Factory 240mhz PPC
> Can you run mp3 + quake without crash?
can you run mp3 + dnet without crash?
> My guess is that it is the 68k that fucks up the PPC stuff, and not the
> PPC... However, I get a WOS exception some of the times. Do I get WOS
> exceptions also if the 68k crashes at this task?

> Greetz
I'm still wanting to overclock my 040 so I think I'll just get one of the big standard crystals & mount it somewhere near the PPC board, could you get me one of these ??
> Bo

Shane Ponting
New Zealand