WarpUp (24/277)

From:Patrice Machin
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 10:15:31
Subject:Re: MorphOS ;-)

From: "Joseph Fenton" <jlfenton@ctaz.com>

> If it gets good enough and H&P hasn't released their
> emulation, someone will write a WarpOS emulation library
> for it much like Frank Wille's ppc.library emulation
> for WarpOS. WarpOS's use of the EHF extension to AmigaDOS
> file structure is certainly easier to support than ELF
> is. :^}

I was just going to ask something like that =)

I, too, believe that the current lack of appropriate hardware is not a reason
for not releasing this BlackBox emulation. By the time Escena cards and BoXeR
boxes will (hopefully) have made their way through the manufacturing plant,
MorphOS developpers will have been able to make their teeth on such an
emulated-68k environment, whereas WarpOS developpers will have lost a great

BTW, MorphOS team doesn't discard the possibility of WarpOS support, but they're
*expressly* counting on third parties for this to happen. Let's hope some WarpOS
Gurus out there will accept the challenge...

Patrice Machin.