WarpUp (244/277)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 08:45:22
Subject:Re: Multitask lock bug (was Re: Questions)

> I have downloaded AMIGAAMP ver. 2.8.beta 7 from www page
> amigaamp.amiga-software.com and run it.
> It was running more than 1 hour OK, but after this, if I run WarpQuake then
> after 30 minutes crashed.
> Then I tried it under the PowerUp (caution! No emulation for WarpUp).
> I tried to run AmigaAmp more than 1 hour. It was OK.
> Because I havn`t got Quake for PowerUp, I had run 3 times IsisPPC with
> films.
> It was running 69:43.31 minutes all right

> I used these programs for the PowerUp:
> PPCTool ver. 2.2
> AHI ver. 4.511 sound kernel 68040
> AmigaAMP ver. 2.8 beta 7
> CGX for PPC AGA only

What are the Major Benefits of this ???
Is is just maxing out the AGA chipset a little more or does it introduce new, efficient routines to do stuff ??

> IsisPPC ver. 2.11

Shane Ponting
New Zealand