WarpUp (25/277)

Date:07 Aug 2000 at 11:50:26
Subject:Re: morphos ;-)

> Michael Merkel wrote:
> > seeing morphos "alife", does someboby know what happened to the h&p
> 68k
> > emulation project? i mean if there is an emulation ready why isn't
> there
> > a morphos-like project
> The "Blackbox" emulation was meant for future PPC-only systems
> to emulate the missing 68k CPU. But those systems never appeared.

and why not going the "morphos way" by simply disabling the 68k processor
with the ability to let ppc native programs run at full speed without those
context switches? if i understand it right only this would give the
possibility to have a really fast system.

> > or maybe there is in an earlier stage - who knows...
> I have it running since two years and the speed of 68k emulation
> is comparable to MorphOS.

"only" comparable? ;-))


Michael Merkel (MiMe@IRC)

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