WarpUp (261/277)

From:Patrice Machin
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 14:18:20
Subject:Re: BVision tips ??

From: "Shane Ponting" <createcoms@ezysurf.co.nz>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 11:04 AM

> Hardware - Pretty straight forward to install in my 1200 Desktop ??

Considering that I had some difficulties installing it in my Infinitiv tower...

> Software - I choose the 68k not the ppc cgfx libraries right ??

Go and buy CGX 4, it's an absolute necessity. If you can't afford to get it at
the moment, then get your hand on the latest and free CGX 3 package available on
the Visual Factory site (http://www.vgr.com/). Don't install the package which
could be offered with your BVision, it's probably out of date. In any case,
don't install the PPC CGX system library if you are proposed to, it's completely
useless. Moreover, this library has been dropped in CGX 4.

> I am finally emerging from the slime of the 28mhz AGA chipset :-))))))))

Welcome... to the real world ;-)
