WarpUp (270/277)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:26 Aug 2000 at 01:00:57
Subject:Re: BVision tips ??

> You can't have your floppy drive installed while having your BVision in an
> A1200 desktop. Atleast you need to move your floppydrive.
I ripped my floppy out a couple of months ago because my 128mb SIMM is too BIG.
When I tower my 1200 it will come back but at $NZ500+(Currency Dependant) I don't think I'll be towering for a while. Investors on this list should buy stuff from New Zealand because for every american dollar you get 2.x NZ Dollars !!

Thanks for all the replies to my email, I feel confident that I'll know what to do when it arrives. Next purchase - SOME PPC GAMES !!!!!!
> Regards
Hating all that currency crap but still loving amiga goods.
Shane Ponting
New Zealand