WarpUp (30/277)

From:Mark Olsen
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 13:41:02
Subject:Re: Questions

Hello Terje

On 07-Aug-00, you wrote:

> When getting 'warpos-extensions' is that a result of
> a badly configurated warpos?
> What is a warpos extension?

I'm sure you mean a WarpOS exception :)
If you had cut/pastet the output from the console window, it would have been a
bit easier to help.

> There exists a patch (I don't remember the name) to
> solve probs with overclocked PPC's.
> When was the problem first recognized?
> When people started overclocking or,
> did it have anything to do with a release of a new
> flash-uppgrade before christmast 2000?

You mean the LR-bugfix ?
It only happens on XPC 604's, so it doesn't apply to your hardware.

> Can some of these problems terminate the use,
> or overheat a BVision?

Well, if you overheat you BVision, it will die, but i guess the BVision will
be fine as long as you don't overclock it.
