WarpUp (31/277)

Date:07 Aug 2000 at 13:42:59
Subject:Re: Questions

Salut Terje

On 07-ao�t-00, you wrote:

> Hello Mark

>>> Can some of these problems terminate the use,
>>> or overheat a BVision?
> When I install the BVision it gets overheated,
> no need to overclock it to do so.

Hum! You have to keep your Permedia2 chip cool, by puting a fan or a
radiator on it!
On my system, i just need to keep my tower "open" (by removing the cover) to
have the pm2 operating safefully.

> Weird enough is after I installed the flash released
> from Phase5 before christmast (last year:), i got a red
> screen after a reboot when trying to use the BVision.
> When removing the BVision the system appeared to work fine.
> BTW, my BVision has never worked.

Re-flash your PPC (with the "DCE flash rom") and cool down your PM2 chip!
If i remember well, a red screen indicate a ROM (or MAPROM) error.
Oh... and are you sure you have installed CGX3 or 4 correctly?
And does your Mother Board have sufficient Power? Have you connect the
floppy-Disk power-connector to your Power Supply as indicated in the
BVision documentation? This could be the problem: not enough power on your
system with the BVision installed!
> I was wondereing if the WarpOS execeptions might
> have had something to do with it?

Definitively not! Warp-Os exception indicate an error in the software, or,
sadly more often, a problem with the memory (not enough memory is the most
common case).
Or perhaps insufficient Power supply, as this can affect the memory SIMMs
>> Well, if you overheat you BVision, it will die, but i guess the BVision
>> will be fine as long as you don't overclock it.

By using the CGX 4.2 pr�-7 update overclocking tooltypes, surely. But for a
non-overclocked BVision, you just have to prevent it to getting to hot. In
most case, a good air circulation in the tower case is enough.


*ANTEK*/Alliance Micro