WarpUp (36/277)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 16:11:27
Subject:Re: morphos ;-)


> MorphOS has it's advantages, but it's disadvantages currently outweigh
> those, IMHO. That's just my take on the situation. Anyone, please do
> correct me if you think I'm wrong :)

errr, I agree.

with the current 0x0+PPC cards, there is no purpose in having a PPC-only
solution. you lose a lot of 0x0 raw power for the OS...far more power lost
than gained by the cache-coherency problem.

You'll be in the same situation as running LinuxPPC on the PowerUp cards.
Nice PPC system...but you ONLY have the PPC speed. and, with the 0x0
emulation, that'll be hit hard.

I *can* see the point of PPC-only with 68k emulation on G3 or G4 accel
cards. the cards would become a LOT cheaper without the 68k co-pro and the
PPC would emulate that missing 060 very well.
