WarpUp (41/277)

Date:07 Aug 2000 at 22:50:02
Subject:Re: Questions

Salut Bo

On 07-ao�t-00, you wrote:

> Hi Steffen
> 3) LR Bug (can only happen
>> for 233 MHz machines, in this case install the
>> bugfix on Aminet)
> 233MHz 604 machines or all 233MHz PPC? I had a lot of problems when
> running my 603e@233MHz, but also now at 240MHz... how do I see if the LR
> bug is present on my computer? And what does the bug do?

I've overclocked my 603 to 233mhz and encountered bugs so i was suspecting
the LR bug.
But i've cool my CPU even more and change the settings of my simms (and
later my simms to reach 128 Mo): all is fine now!
For example, Heretic2 has NEVER crashed on my system, even Siege works
perfectly: the only cause of problem with H2 is a crach in the .smk player
when use with delfina.library 4.15 (delfinit seem to solve this!)
So now i'm sure the 603 doesn't suffer from the LR bug!


ANTEK/Alliance Micro