WarpUp (42/277)

From:Frank Wille
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 22:51:57
Subject:Re: morphos ;-)

Michael Merkel wrote:

> > The "Blackbox" emulation was meant for future PPC-only systems to
> > emulate the missing 68k CPU. But those systems never appeared.
> and why not going the "morphos way" by simply disabling the 68k
> processor with the ability to let ppc native programs run at full speed
> without those context switches?

Ask Sam Jordan, or Haage&Partner. He decided that his emulation
makes no sense in its current state.

> if i understand it right only this would
> give the possibility to have a really fast system.

Not really. In opposition to MorphOS the whole AmigaOS system has
to be emulated. A 68040/25 is no fun when you're used to a 060.
Certainly, PPC applications will be a bit faster.

> > I have it running since two years and the speed of 68k emulation is
> > comparable to MorphOS.
> "only" comparable? ;-))

I didn't run any benchmarks, but did it now: I used the HeapSort
benchmark and got the following results for an array size of 8000:

BlackBox: 6.47 MIPS
MorphOS: 6.69 MIPS

For comparison, my real 060/50 does: 26.49 MIPS.

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer