WarpUp (43/277)

From:Frank Wille
Date:07 Aug 2000 at 22:56:32
Subject:Re: MorphOS ;-)

Steffen Haeuser wrote:

> ow> BTW, MorphOS team doesn't discard the possibility of WarpOS support,
> ow> but they're *expressly* counting on third parties for this to
> ow> happen. Let's hope some WarpOS Gurus out there will accept the
> ow> challenge...
> The problem is I am not sure if a Emulation of PowerOpen on top of
> System V is even possible (or efficient).

Sure it is possible. They would be nearly as fast as real MorphOS
programs, like programs running under ppclibemu are nearly as
fast as native WarpOS ones.

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer