WarpUp (50/277)

From:Jonathan Hart
Date:08 Aug 2000 at 10:46:24
Subject:Re: morphos ;-)

Hi there Oliver

On 07-Aug-00, you wrote:

> MorphOS has it's advantages, but it's disadvantages currently outweigh
> those, IMHO. That's just my take on the situation. Anyone, please do
> correct me if you think I'm wrong :)

I'm sure you're right Oliver- but isn't the point with MorphOS, as has been
said in this thread, that it is /hopefully/ instigating some kind of future
for the Classic AmigaOS as a fully PPC OS (or at least as PPC native as
MacOS9 say) - putting the thing out early so "developers" can port bits and
pieces natively to the system in time. Bottlenecks should get broken one by

I can imagine that they probably don't want people to be /too/ impressed
the 68k emulation as they would then accept it as the finished product
and the end of the road for AmigaOS- as good as it will get- which hopefully
it won't be.

H&P and Sam have done what is needed (with WOS, and W3D) for what we have
*now*- I'm very grateful and am a genuine Warp fan- but the chance to help
support something which is just as exciting is fine by me, I have nothing
but enthusisam for the project for now.

(except I wish I could test the damn thing- no BlizzardPPC SCSI driver yet

All the best,

*Jonathan Hart*

WWW: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/j.hart/index.html
ICQ: 83098242