WarpUp (56/277)

From:Patrice Machin
Date:08 Aug 2000 at 14:55:01
Subject:Re: MorphOS ;-)

Hello David,

On 08-Ao�t-2000, you e-wrote :

> They only rewrite the API and they are allowed to do. It's the same like AROS.
> Exec is only the start in the next step they will rewrite some "often used"
> intuition.library functions.

Well, properly speaking, MorphOS is *not* AmigaOS... Quark is not a "simple" PPC
version of Exec but a brand new, native PPC kernel. I don't think there is any
illegal infringement behind this.

Dixit MorphOS team, of course (I'm not a programer).


*Patrice Machin* � Team AMIGA

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