WarpUp (62/277)

Date:08 Aug 2000 at 16:14:15
Subject:Re: morphos ;-)

Steffen Haeuser wrote:
> owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :
> Hi!
> >> Similar things can be done for the H&P Emulation. And will be done once
> >> G3/G4-Boards are there. The people doing this software surely are not that
> >> stupid only to support the "old" PPC Boards via MorphOS, but also for the new
> ow> Don't forget that morphos is not tied to p5 ppc boards. It will probably
> ow> be ported to the new systems (boxer...) as soon as they appear.
> Somehow I doubt this. Adapting such a thing (anyways, if H&P or Laire
> solution) is hard work, and doing this in your freetime is a lot of work.
> Also, let's assume H&P would do the official support, getting a Beta Board
> or such... (which would make sense IMHO, if this happened like this...)
> So currently MorphOS is really tied to the P5 Boards. You *are* limited if you
> are only two people working on this. Not so easy to support all Hardware.
> It is easy to say "as soon as they appear". Making this is much more difficult.

Yes, but who would do it for H&P anyway ? Probably Sam Jordan... Who
would also do it in his free time, AFAIK. Maybe some people would help
him, but it's the same for MorphOS.

Abtoine 'MORB' Chavasse / CdBS Software