WarpUp (66/277)

From:Bo Simmons
Date:09 Aug 2000 at 08:45:04
Subject:Re: Questions

Hi Alan

On 08-Aug-00, you wrote:

> hi,
>> 233MHz 604 machines or all 233MHz PPC? I had a lot of problems when
>> running my 603e@233MHz, but also now at 240MHz... how do I see if the LR
>> bug is present on my computer? And what does the bug do?
> its only the CS_PPC's - your problem is that your 233/240 603e is
> overclocked. my 240MHz 603e isnt and works fine

Nopes, I underclocked it to 233 coz I had these errors...I bought it as
240MHz. One of my friends with 603e@200 also had same problem, but it
suddenly dissapeared, and he has no idea how or why.


Bo Wellejus Simmons

*System Configuration:*
/Hardware:/ *Amiga 1200T* *603e+ 240MHz*, *68060 66MHz*, *BVision PPC GFX*,
64MB Fast-Ram
20GB IBM harddrive, 18GB Western Digital harddrive, 17" Panasonic screen,
Power Tower, 24x Toshiba CD-Rom
/Software:/ *Amiga OS 3.5*, Directory Opus Magellan 2, Visual Prefs,
/Internet:/ IBrowse, YAM 2, *900kbit Cable connection*