WarpUp (86/277)

From:Adrian Parsons
Date:10 Aug 2000 at 04:23:04
Subject:Re: Questions

> I guess the BVision
> will be fine as long as you don't overclock it.
> By using the CGX 4.2 pr�-7 update overclocking
> tooltypes, surely. But for a
> non-overclocked BVision, you just have to prevent it
> to getting to hot. In
> most case, a good air circulation in the tower case
> is enough.
> *ANTEK*/Alliance Micro

Has anyone out there overclocked thier Bvison?!?!?

Have you had any probs?? Dose WarpOS like it??

I have brought heat sync & fanS & installed them but
have not brought CGFX4 yet dose MeltDown work OK??

anyone? :)


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