Abath: A variation on the unicorn having a somewhat enlarged horn
which it can use to induce severe bruising in an opponent. The abath can
also be ridden by the wizard. For many years the existence of the creature
was the subject of much debate, and only recently have any instances come
to life.
Abduction: Like subversion, abduction is an attempt to convince an enemy
creature that its interests may better lie with allegiance to your wizard.
Intelligent creatures are more likely to see through this ruse than stupid
creatures. However, as abduction applies to a random creature you cannot
know beforehand the intelligence of the recipient. Further, because the
targeting of this spell is so imprecise it is possible that it will be
applied to one of your own creations. Therefore, the spell is most
beneficial when you have relatively few creations. Line of sight is not
required and your chosen target can be anywhere on the board. This spell
will not attempt to target Artifacts, Scrolls, Wizards or corpses.
If successful, the target will immediately come under control of your
wizard and no longer respond to the commands of its previous lord.
Achiyalabopa: A large low-flying bird with poor eyesight. The history of this
creature is unclear, but it has evolved feathers which resemble knives. It
attacks simply by brushing against the opponent. The knife-like feathers
are sharp enough to make a large number of serrations on the hides of the
Acid Rain: Causes a global rain storm with droplets of extreme acidity.
The rain drops are a mixture of water, sulphuric acid, formic acid, nitric
acid, phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, and surprisingly citric acid. The
droplets also contain hydrazine and various other flammable compounds.
Because of these flammable compounds acid rain will not put out fires.
Further, acid rain does not harm creatures in general although during the
rain it may be painful to them. However, trees are extremely vulnerable to
this type of rain. Even the hardy magic wood cannot stand acid rain.
Aerial Servant: An aerial servant is a semi-intelligent air spirit and
can only be dimly seen. They have no effect in combat, but their high
vitality makes them an ideal blocking creature. They can move almost
anywhere in a single bound and have reasonable agility.
Agathion: A powerful and helpful race which have descended from the stars.
Although appearing in humanoid form, this is not their natural form. Their
true form is unknown. The agathion are not physically strong but can cast a
limited number of spells which they perform on their own accord. They are
known to be able to cast bless, cure, haste, magic shield, and vitality.
Air Elemental: A powerful elemental best kept well clear of by mortal
creatures. Upon its death the air elemental becomes a tempest.
Alliance: Force another wizard to enter into an alliance with you. The
target wizard joins your team and that wizard's creations will no longer
engage your creatures. You can even force several wizards into alliances
with you by using multiple alliance spells. When allied with a computer
player, the computer wizard will not cast harmful spells on your wizard.
The independents are FIERCELY independent and don't want to be in an
alliance with you. (or anyone else for that matter.) So don't bother
trying it on them.
Alter Reality: This spell can be cast on nearly any creature provided it is
not dead. The spell will cause the creature to undergo a metamorphosis to
a new creature type. This spell can turn orcs into dragons and vampires
into ogres. The result is random. The spell can be cast on creations of
any wizard.
Amphisbaena: A two headed snake about twice as powerful as a python (which
makes it pretty weak actually). Like the python, it kills its prey by
constriction. Most creatures need not be fearful of this creature.
Animate: This spell causes several different inanimate objects to become
living creatures. The spell can be cast on any player, but it is usually
the best option to cast the spell on yourself.
Apple Wood: This spell allows a wizard to produce two apple trees. While
useful blocking objects the trees have another use. Any owned creature
adjacent to an apple tree will have its magical resistance boosted by one
unit per round. The trees cannot be used for meditation or in combat.
Arborist: Special training for the wizard in the cultivation of trees. A
wizard having this training is able to cast trees next to each other.
Archery: The target is given the archery powerup. This spell is only
meaningful for objects having ranged combat. It will have little effect on
other creatures. Further, there is little point in casting this spell on
creatures (like elves) which already have this ability. Ideal targets
are dragons, bolters, and wizards with bows. After receiving this spell line
of sight will not be required for ranged combat.
Arctic Wolf: A wolf from the extreme cold regions. A horrid carnivore that
will eat whenever possible. Because they normally inhabit a harsh
environment they are very hardy. They do not fear the undead. They do not
fear dragons either. They attack multiple characteristics and enjoy
ripping off the legs of their prey.
Armour: Armour can be used to boost the defences of any creature. A good
candidate to armour is your wizard. Armour adds a third of the maximum life
to the selected creature. You can apply armour to enemy creatures if desired.
Line of sight is not required and the spell works over the entire world.
Aviary: This is a like the general purpose generator but is somewhat
weaker and only produces a limited number of races. It is capable of
generating most of the bird species. Casting such a generator
will ensure that you always have a fresh supply of flying creatures
even if not a strong army.
Azer: A creature which in appearence resembles an orc. They are masters of
fire and are hot to the touch. They show a lack of compassion for most things,
and although they can control fires at will they very rarely feel any
motivation to do so.
Baboon: The baboon is not particularly useful. All its qualities are
somewhat less than those of the gorilla, except for its superior agility.
Ball Lightning: An energized ball of lightning which severely damages the
target's combat ability. Inflicts 6 points of damage to the target's
combat ability with any excess damage being transferred to the target's
life force at a 2:1 ratio. Thus using this spell on a creature with 1
combat point would result in its combat being reduced to 0 and its life
force being reduced by 10 points.
Banderlog: A variant of the baboon which is somewhat weaker than a gorilla.
They can help keep the numbers up in a battle but are little use as a
single agent.
Bandit: A human mercenary that generally behaves as a thief and general
rogue. Often they enjoy the taste of battle and will fight for nothing.
They quickly become bored from lack of action and are not particularly
reliable or trustworthy. This said, they enjoy mingling with other
creatures of all types, forever on the lookout for quick financial gain.
Maybe they are related to lawyers.
Basalt Golem: A form of golem made from basalt. They are marginally more
intelligent than the usual stone golem. One advantage is an
ability to move considerably faster than other golems, since basalt holds
together better when moving at speed. However, the main advantage is an
ability to gaze at other creatures and almost paralyze them.
Basilisk: The basilisk is a reptilian monster whose slow metabolic
process allows it only slow movement. It has powerful jaws and a penetrating
gaze which many foes find unsettling. They are stubborn and strong.
Bat: Only colour distinguishes the bat from the falcon or the vulture,
the bat having the least abilities of the three. Although the bat is weak,
flight allows it to be a persistent menace to slower moving
ground-ridden species.
Battle Cry: Causes your wizard to produce a sonic shock wave consisting of
an order to battle hard. The sound is guaranteed to stir your creatures
into action. All your combatants will attack at double strength. The voice
is so strong that creatures will exceed the normal maximum for combat if
necessary. The effect lasts only for the duration of the current round. The
spell is most useful when you have many weaker creatures and want one quick
chance to wipe out many of the opposition.
Betrayal: Betrayal is an attempt to convince an enemy creature that its
interests might be better served by changing its allegiance. It is essentially
a weak version of subversion, as the convincing is only one way. That is,
although the creature may be convinced to change sides there is little
chance that it will decide upon your lord as its new leader. However, the
spell is still useful because it works over a longer distance than subversion
and no wizard likes any adjacent creature to suddenly become an enemy.
Biohazard: Releases a deadly but selective toxin into the air which will
cause infections to run amuck in the wounds of the enemy. All enemy
creatures will be slower at recovering from any wounds they receive.
Bipedal Generator: This is a like the general purpose generator but is somewhat
weaker and only produces a limited number of races. It is capable of
generating most of the weaker bipedal races. Casting such a generator
will ensure that you always have a fresh supply of blocking creatures
even if not a strong army.
Bird Lord: A bird lord is a king of the avian species.
Often bird lords are mistaken as eagles. Bird lords can heal any wounds they
receive at a phenomenal rate. They are amongst the fastest of all creatures
and are well learned. Most magic will have little effect on them.
The bird lord possesses adequate combat skill and can easily flee from danger.
The biggest boon of the bird lord is its ability to fire an extremely acidic
salvo an immense distance.
Bless: The bless spell is used to improve the overall morale and strength of a
wizard and creations. Every creation of the casting wizard's, including
inanimate objects and growths receives a small boost in life. Bless spells
are best cast when you have many creations or when your wizard is starting to
founder. You cannot bless the creations of another player.
Blue Dragon: The blue dragon is very dangerous and can emit an electrical
discharge across ten cells given line of sight. Blue dragons normally have
little to do with other species and a summons can only be obtained by
meditation. A blue dragon is stronger than a red dragon.
Bodak: A Bodak is a human that has become corrupted
by venturing too close to the
abyssal planes. They appear in giant proportions and fight bare handed even
though most of them do carry a weapon. Their combat ability is similar to
that of a true giant, but they retain only the stamina of a real human.
Boil: Causes a very specific cadence of microwaves to cover the world. They
are at a precise value which causes large bodies of water to evaporate. Any
floods and pools will be destroyed.
Bolter: A piece of wall augmented with a very high energy psionic arrow
launcher. The bolter can fire one arrow per turn with deadly force over a
medium distance. Line of sight is required.
Brain Boost: This spell can be cast on any creature and exponentially
increases the number of synaptic connections in the mental faculties of the
chosen target. The spell is best used to protect a wizard against the brain
drain spell. This spell increases the target's intelligence to maximum.
Brain Drain: This spell will play on the mind of the chosen target. The spell
induces torment in the brain of the target causing severe synaptic damage.
For weak minded creatures the spell is usually fatal. Damage caused by a
brain drain spell may be recoverable by a brain boost spell. This spell can
be cast on enemy wizards. This spell inflicts five points of damage to the
target's intelligence; if this results in a value less than zero then the
target dies of stupidity.
Brown Bear: A very strong and skilled animal, the brown bear
is a tough match for a lion. Like the lion the brown bear is very
ferocious in attack. The brown bear is not particularly agile and once engaged
the bear must usually fight to the death. A brown bear can be killed by the
rarer but more powerful grizzly bear.
Bury: Allows a wizard to bury up to eight corpses and/or scrolls
from anywhere on the board. Line of sight is not required.
Once buried a dead creature cannot be raised from the dead.
Therefore, by burying corpses of dragons, giants, and so on, you
can prevent other wizards from raising them. The spell is also useful for
clearing space for walls, trees, and meditation chambers or for destroying
scrolls that you don't want your enemies to grab.
Camel: The camel can be ridden by the wizard and is useful in this respect.
As well as normal attack the camel can spit at nearby targets and although
the spit is not potent it can sometimes be the difference between life and
Cat Lord: The Cat Lord will assist a wizard when required but is not
particularly suited to combat. However, as master of all cats, the Cat Lord
has some important abilities. When first cast the Cat Lord will immediately
take all cats under his control. He is also able to summon his own lions,
jaguars, and leopards.
Centaur: The centaur has the head and torso of a man and the abdomen and legs
of a horse. A centaur may be ridden by the wizard. The centaur carries a bow
which often comes in handy. The centaur is superior to the horse in most
Chaos Lord: A wizard casting this spell will be completely enlightened to
the entire universe and become essentially immortal. A wizard possessing
the level of potency induced by this spell will not need support creatures,
mounts, nor undeads. Such a wizard may freely go hand to hand
with a demon and still expect to win easily. All other players will need to
forget their petty squabbles if they are to defeat you. If you have this spell
on your list it should be used immediately, no matter what the circumstances.
This spell induces a state more powerful than the highly sought after Touch of
God spell. Besides giving the wizard full strength in all vital statistics
the wizard will also receive the triple power up, a bow, wings, fire shield,
flood shield, earthquake shield, reflector, pox shield, and quickshot.
Charm: All creatures on the board will feel a tug towards your wizard. Those
of lesser intelligence may be so swayed by your words that they change to
your side.
Clay Golem: As the name suggests these unintelligent creations are made of
clay and are therefore can take much punishment. They are quite susceptible
to magic attack but are somewhat weaker than the stone golem.
Cloak: The cloak spell can be used to place a shroud around any creature
on the board including: living, undead, flying, walking, ranged,
and wizards. A cloak cannot be applied to inanimate objects or growths.
The spell can be cast on creatures not owned by the caster including
sleeping creatures. The spell can be cast anywhere in the world and does not
require line of sight. Once cloaked information about the cloaked creature
cannot readily be obtained. Any cloaked creature becomes at least twice as
hard to hit because it is not easily seen by its opponents and this is the
main reason for using the cloak. The cloak spell can be reversed by the reveal
Coercion: A mental assault against all the other wizards. The other wizards
will have difficulty staving off the onslaught and they will not have time
to select a spell in the subsequent round. While most wizards will shake of
the effects of the spell within one round, some wizards may suffer for
several rounds. This spell is useful in the early stages of the game and
gives you a chance to get ahead of the other wizards.
Combat: This spell provides the recipient with advanced weapons and tactical
skills. The result is a very mean fighting machine capable of killing very
strong opponents in a short time. Even the humble halfling becomes a deadly
weapon upon receiving this special training.
Command: Command increases the ability of a wizard to direct its creations.
In particular, creatures will find it easier to escape from conflicts if
required to do so.
Confidence: Places a blanket of calmness over your creations. Your living
creatures will no longer fear the undead and will be able to attack the
undead. The effect lasts for three rounds.
Consecrate: A spell similar to Dark Power but affecting a wider area. Choose
the centre and this spot and all cells immediately adjacent will suffer two
points of damage to their magic resistance. Useful for destroying groups of weak undead
creatures. For some unknown reason, this spell must be cast directly on a
creature of some type; a corpse or empty cell won't do.
Convert: The target creature will be converted from an undead to a
living creature. Does not affect any other stats. Up to 2 creatures may be
Crimson Death: A pale vapourous creature named after its colour. There is
nothing particularly special about the creature and it is yet another
creature from the spirit world.
Crocodile: Although the crocodile is stupid, any living
creature which approaches one is a bigger fool. The crocodile is a good match
for a lion or a bear, having a high endurance. Usually the crocodile can sidle
away from danger if desired.
Crystal Ball: A highly desirable spell which removes the need for your
wizard to have line of sight in order to cast a spell. With the
Crystal Ball, your wizard can "see" everywhere. Range restrictions still
apply as usual.
Cure: All creatures have felt the ravages of the pox at some time. This
spell is useful in ending a major plague. All creatures infected with the
pox will be cured of the disease.
Curse: The curse is a highly desirable spell. It is best cast when the
world is full of many enemy creations and your position is reasonably secure.
Curse will suck 2 points of life from all enemy creatures, growths, and even
inanimate objects. Sleeping creatures are also drained. Any creature whose
life is exhausted by the curse will be killed and points credited to the
casting wizard.
Cursed Sword: Works over the entire world and does not require line of sight.
The recipient of the Cursed Sword will lose 5 points of combat (will not go
below 0) and will suddenly not be able to attack undeads.
Dalek: This well known time-traveller can be a useful addition to any
campaign. Their sole purpose in life is the extermination of other forms of
life and they are reasonably adept at carrying out this task. However,
daleks are made of relatively cheap and weak metal.
Dao: A genie of particularly evil alignment. This genie will, on its own
accord, curse the enemy in your name. Dao are also known to make use of the
drain, invert, pox, and slow spells.
Dark Citadel: The dark citadel provides a safe haven for
the wizard, and a place for meditation. There is a chance of the citadel
collapsing at each turn, if this should happen while the wizard is inside a new
spell will be granted. It is possible to make use of dark citadels conjured by
other wizards provided they are not already occupied. Only a wizard can make
use of a citadel. A dark citadel can be destroyed by an extremely determined
Dark Power: Dark power causes the target to be consumed by madness. A high
magical resistance is required to escape the effect. 3 attempts are
granted, each of which inflicts 2 points of damage to the creature's
magical resistance. Dark power does not require line of sight and works over the
entire world. Dark power cannot be applied to inanimate objects.
Dark Wood: Dangerous undead trees similar in ability to the shadow wood but
more indiscriminate in what it attacks. The trees are controlled by the
computer and will attack absolutely anything nearby except other undeads.
Up to 6 trees may be cast.
Dead Revenge: This extremely rare spell allows a wizard to haunt the
opposition even after death. When a wizard protected with Dead Revenge is killed
a generator appears in the place where the wizard was killed. The generator
will produce independent creatures.
Death Bringer: A powerful spell which indiscriminately strikes down one
creature on the board. Wizards are immune to the powerful magic used in
this spell, but creations of your own wizard are not.
Demon: The demon is the most feared of all creatures. They are incredibly
strong, exceptionally intelligent, and designed for combat. Anything less
than a vampire best keep well clear of a demon. Magic is the best approach
in dispelling a demon, but even this is a difficult task. Thankfully,
demons are very rare.
Demonic Touch: Allows a wizard to call upon Satan to instill a long term fear
in a chosen target. The recipient will no longer be able fight effectively,
even if it previously received advanced combat training. Indeed, the target
can only regain combat ability via subsequent retraining in combat.
Depth: Allows all spells (except creatures) to be cast with
infinite range and without line of sight.
This is a very desirable spell because it enables a wizard to cast
lightning bolts and similar weapons at any opponent. Inanimate objects
like trees, walls, growths and wasp nests can also be cast in this manner.
Derro: The derro are a degenerate race of metallic complexion. Their origin
is uncertain. Their stronghold is in subterranean relams and they are not
commonly seen above ground. Their style of fighting is not particularly
suited to open combat but they are persistent and not easily toppled.
Destroy Wall: When cast this spell destroys every piece of wall in the world
by causing localized matter disturbances in areas containing walls. This
spell is only available through meditation.
Devastation: When you are tired of the current battles cast this spell
for a clean start. This spell essentially wipes the slate clean.
Everything except wizards and generators is instantly destroyed. Even
mounted wizards will be exposed. However, this spell should be used with
some caution. It is best to use this spell when you have several good
creatures on your spell list with which you can repopulate the world
after the devastation. The use of this spell is bound to cause outrage
on the part of other wizards, which is all the more reason to use it.
The mechanism of this spell has never been properly explained, but wizards
known to have cast it speak of a euphoric state of mind immediately
after the devastation. It has been conjectured that it involves some sort
of dimensional shift. This conjecture (which we note has no direct
evidence for it) is so vague that it is not really helpful. Several
wizards believe that no adequate mechanism for this spell will ever be
possible, and indeed it may not be a computable quanti
Dire Wolf: A huge variety of the normal wolf. Single
wolves are not very useful but if collected into a group of about six or used
in conjunction with other species the dire wolf can be very useful. They also work well with goblins.
Discard: A powerful magical spell which burrows into the
minds of wizards and tampers with their memory. Its usual effect is
temporary amnesia, and the wizard will find most spells have suspiciously
disappeared. These spells will eventually return, sometimes after a single
turn. A single invocation will induce this effect in all other
Disection: Causes a virtual knife to pass through the entire world. All
objects including wizards and generators will feel its presence. It is like
half the life force of the world is drained away in an instant. It is
known to cause enfeeblement, nausea, and general light headedness. At the
conclusion of the spell all objects (including those of the caster) will
be at half strength. Creatures with wound recovery will eventually heal,
but for others the damage is irreversible. The end result is that for
several turns afterwards kills will be a lot easier to make.
Disrupt: This spell causes a momentary lapse of vision in all enemy
creatures. It can prove fatal to weak minded creatures and causes permanent
damage to the cerebral cortex of those that survive. This spell currently
does not affect wizards, growths, inanimate objects or scrolls.
Double: This is a sought after spell which gives the wizard the ability to
make two attempts with each subsequent spell, for a limited time. It does
not work with a few taxing spells like magic wood and justice. It is most
valuable near the start of the game when building your forces.
Dragon Nest: This is a like the general purpose generator but is somewhat
weaker and only produces a limited number of races. It is capable of
generating most of the dragon species. Casting such a generator
will ensure that you always have a fresh supply of strong creatures.
Drain: A powerful spell that wearies all the opposition. All the opposition
creatures will feel inexplicably tired and will not feel like moving very
Dread Elf: Not all elves are equal. The dread elf is an elf who by
previous feats has high status among all elves. They benefit greatly from
this revered status and always carry the very best bows. Their extensive
battle experience makes them much more hardy than the usual elves.
Drelb: The drelb is very difficult to distinguish from a standard ghost. The
touch of a drelb is chilling to mortal flesh, more so than that of the
ghost, but they are spiritually weaker than the ghost.
Dual Earthbind: The target of this spell loses their wings and can no longer
fly. This has no effect on movement points. 2 attempts are granted.
Eagle: The eagle can attack from great distances and move with
extreme agility. Most land-ridden creatures have trouble defending an aerial
attack by an eagle. Other birds such as the vulture and the falcon can give the
eagle a testing fight.
Earth Elemental: A muddy concoction from the depths of the earth, the earth
elemental is incredibly strong and is shunned by living creatures. Its
destruction normally results in a strong earthquake.
Earthquake: A destructive movement of the ground initiated by the wizard or
resulting from the death of an earth elemental. The earthquake will
instantly kill any creature in its path. It will also crumble walls and cause
other damage. There is no way to stop its damage.
Earthquake Shield: A special shield only for the wizard, to permanently
protect the wizard from being killed by an earthquake.
Elephant: The elephant is very strong and attacks with its trunk and by
stomping. Wizards are not normally permitted to ride elephants.
The strength of the elephant makes it useful for attacking several
opponents simultaneously.
Elf Boots: A pair of boots made by some very learned elves. They are a
perfect fit for your wizard and will make your wizard one of the most agile
creatures on the board.
Elm: A rock and stock standard elm tree, great to sit under and listen to
the birds, just provides a little variety to the scenery.
Emerald Dragon: The emerald dragon is a battle hardened green dragon.
They have exceptional combat ability. Such a creature is normally only
available by having a green dragon successfully make seven kills.
Exorcise: Exorcism is used to remove an evil presence but is not always
successful. Line of sight is not required. It can only be applied to undead
objects. The chosen subject will suffer 6 points of damage to its magical
Eye for an Eye: Gives special coverage to all your creations. Should any of
your creations be killed or otherwise destroyed in combat then the killer
will also be struck dead. The effect lasts for 2 kills and is cumulative
with multiple Eye for an Eye spells. Thus if you have triple and cast this
spell the effect will last for 6 turns.
Falcon: Falcons are very swift and can cross the longer
axis of the visible world in just three moves. Because of this incredible range the
falcon is most useful for mounting long range aerial assaults. A falcon can
only be granted through meditation.
Faun: The faun, or satyr as they are sometimes known, is
a highly intelligent creature with a high magical resistance. They are rather
slow and not particularly skilled in combat but have a fair chance of escaping
from a conflict if desired. Unfortunately, once wounded they cannot heal
Fir: A plain and normal fir tree. It has no special effects so don't bother
trying to find any.
Fire: Fire is very dangerous once conjured. A fire
continues to grow until the conjurer is killed or until it is put out by other
means. Fires can burn any creature, living or undead or dead, or any wizard not
possessing a fire shield. Fires even burn the creatures of the conjurer and
can even burn the conjurer. Fires can also burn down castles, citadels and
even walls, although this usually takes considerable time. The destructive ability
of a fire
exceeds that of any creature including dragons and vampires. Fire can be put
out by active effort of creatures, each cell of fire has a energy
comparable to that of a faun or troll.
Fire Bat: A bat which has been influenced by the underworld. Their
constitution is similar to that of the imp, but they are not able to attack
full fledged undeads.
Fire Demon: The fire demon is even more deadly than the standard demon.
They are incredibly strong, exceptionally intelligent, and designed for combat.
In addition to the powers of the standard demon they can lash out with their forked
tongue. Thankfully, they are exceptionally rare.
Fire Elemental: A powerful creature possessing many of the properties of a
real fire. Living creatures shun the elemental fire and will not attack it,
as it appears to them to be an undead. Such elementals are best disposed
using magic. However, even in death the fire elemental is a menace as it
leaves behind a real fire.
Fire Shield: The fire shield can only be used by the wizard. The
fire shield gives a wizard immunity from fire, but not from dragon breath, or
heat orientated magical weapons like magic bolts. Once cast it is unlikely the
fire shield will ever become damaged.
Fireball: Causes the wizard to emit a ball of fire which will cause magical
damage. Anything can be shot provided it is in range and line of sight is
available. Be careful not to shoot your own creations.
Floating Eye: An unusual creature with the appearance of a floating human
eye. The eye induces a hypnotic trance in its enemies but is not
particularly strong.
Flood: A flood behaves like a fire but tends to be short-lived. That is, a
flood will often dissipate within two turns. Any creature,
living or undead, may be drowned as a result of a flood. Flood can also
damage creatures belonging to the casting wizard.
Flood Shield: A special shield, only available for the wizard, which
protects the wizard from drowning in floods. One a wizard gains a flood
shield it is unlikely to ever become damaged.
Fly: The target of this spell is given wings and can fly.
This has no effect on movement points. 2 attempts are granted.
Free: Allows the wizard to liberate one creature. The selected creature
immediately becomes an independent. If cast on an independent creature, the
creature will go into a trance.
Free All: Causes every creature on the board to become an independent. This
is a useful spell if your opponents have guarded themselves well. It is
guaranteed to get all the wizards running scared.
Freeze: A powerful spell that will temporarily cause disorder among all
creations of the chosen target. The enemy attacked will be unable to move
or partake in combat for the duration of the round, although you may remain
engaged if in combat.
Generator: The generator spell allows a wizard to cast a generator identical
in appearance and operation to those used by the independent creatures.
This spell is only available by meditation. It is unlikely that you will
ever get one of these spells. Like the independent generator, this generator
will randomly produce creatures belonging to the casting wizard, but unlike
independent creatures, once created the wizard takes responsibility for their
movement. Once cast the generator is essentially eternal.
Ghast: Ghasts are akin to ghouls in both appearance and abilities. They are
most useful in blocking the onslaught from living creatures.
Ghost: The ghost is the spirit of a deceased evil human. Ghosts
can fly but do not move particularly quickly. Any ghost is best avoided by
living creatures but ghosts have a fair chance of being destroyed if attacked by
another undead creature.
Ghoul: Once a human, these undeads now feed on others. Ghouls are terribly
cunning, despite their low intelligence, and can cause paralysis in lesser
Giant Beetle: The giant beetle is a pesky
creature that does a good job of hindering an enemy onslaught until more
powerful defenders can arrive. A giant beetle has an excellent chance of
escaping conflict as it is very agile. Giant beetles are easily killed by even
the weakest of creatures.
Giant Rat: The giant rat, or super rat, is a
quick and evasive creature with minimal intelligence and magical resistance.
The giant rat is a danger to orcs, horses, elves, halflings, beetles, goblins
and ogres but is only a minor hinderance to other creatures. The bite of the
giant rat is poisonous.
Giant Spider: A menacing hinderance to the opposition. Although unlikely to be
fatal to any opposition the spider takes some effort to kill. This spider
will also lay web as it moves. This spider eats scrolls.
Goblin: No campaign is complete without a goblin.
The goblin is among the better fighters of the common bipedal living species.
The goblin can fight as well as the ogre but is slightly weaker in its
Goblin Bomb: No campaign is complete without a goblin.
The goblin is among the better fighters of the common bipedal living species.
The goblin can fight as well as the ogre but is slightly weaker in its
defence. This goblin carries a grenade and upon its death the goblin releases
the grenade which subsequently explodes causing damage to all adjacent
Golden Dragon: A very intelligent creature that rules amongst
the good living species with the exception of the immensely rare platinum
dragon. The golden dragon can fight in a similar vain as the stone giant but
has the gift of fire breathing and flight which makes it extremely deadly to
any creature or wizard that attracts its attention. The golden dragon can kill
some of the lesser dragons.
Gooey Blob: Gooey blob is particularly useful and can be conjured some distance
from the wizard provided there is line of sight. The gooey blob then grows much
like a fire does. No part of the gooey blob can be moved.
Although the gooey blob has no intelligence it will never harm its master or
any of its maters creatures. However, the gooey blob quickly grows over enemy
creatures preventing them from moving but not actually killing them. Buried
creatures can be recovered by killing the gooey blob on them. Rescued creatures
will have half their initial life remaining when recovered no matter how much
they had when they were buried, so their life on recovery can be more or less
than what it was when they were buried. If an enemy wizard succumbs to the blob
that wizard dies.
Gorilla: Gorillas are a good middle of the road animal and
are a worthy adversary for most bipedal living creatures such as trolls, ogres,
and goblins. The more violent animals such as the lion and grizzly bear can
kill a gorilla. The gorilla has only mediocre intelligence but fights with
Gravity Sphere: Causes the wizard to create a dense sphere of neutrons, much
like a miniature neutron star, which causes the gravity to increase
exponentially. Indeed, gravity becomes so strong that flying movement
becomes impossible. All creatures which can normally fly will be forced to
move like any other creature. The sphere will eventually decay and normal
flight can then resume. A typical instance will last for six turns,
however, if several wizards cast this spell in succession the delay could
be much longer.
Gray Elf: The gray elf is very similar to the more common
wood elf but posesses accelerated healing ability. They carry the best bows and
are able to make accurate shots over a greater distance than the Wood Elf.
Green Dragon: The green dragon is the weakest species of dragon, having a
strength similar to that of a crocodile. Of course, the green dragon is far
more useful than the crocodile, as it can move further and more importantly
can use a breath weapon. The breath weapon consists of chlorine gas and is
quite deadly. The dragon will recover from injuries but not as quickly as red and
golden dragons do.
Green Ooze: Green ooze is very similar to the gooey blob and it grows in the
same manner. The green ooze cannot be moved in the same way as you move
your other creatures. Instead it grows on its own accord. Creatures which
succumb to the ooze can be recovered by killing the ooze on the creature
Grizzly Bear: The grizzly bear is an extremely powerful
animal capable of killing a lion or a brown bear. Like most aggressive animals
the grizzly bear has a low magical resistance. If reincarnated the grizzly
bear becomes an ogre mage.
Gryphon: A large flying beast which can be ridden by the wizard
who conjured it. The gryphon has a good stamina and magical resistance but is
not particularly agile. The gryphon is not a particularly skilled fighter
but can move a considerable distance enabling a mounted wizard to quickly
escape from difficult situations.
Halfling: These little guys are extremely magic resistant. The halfling is
typically a hard-working, orderly, and peaceful
citizen similar to a human, although much smaller. They usually fight with
swords although some have been known to carry bows. While they fight well,
and with determination, they have little stamina and quickly become
exhausted in battle.
Harpy: The harpy is a cross between a vulture and a female
human. Harpies are fast and can mount aerial attacks thereby avoiding direct
engagement. Using vulture claws the harpy can rip into the hide of most beasts
and can outfly would be attackers.
Haste: A spell used to urge your creations on to greater speed. It boosts
the speed of all your creations by one unit. This is particularly useful after
another player has cast Drain.
Haunt: A variant of the spectre. Haunts are very difficult to control and
will occassionally switch sides for no apparent reason. It follows that
haunts should be used with extreme caution.
Hidden Horror: For all intents and purposes this is a halfling with a singular
important difference. Upon its death the hidden horror becomes a red dragon
(unless it is set to reincarnate, in which case it becomes a golden dragon).
The halfling is typically a hard-working, orderly, and peaceful
citizen similar to a human, although much smaller. They usually fight with
swords although some have been known to carry bows. While they fight well,
and with determination, they have little stamina and quickly become
exhausted in battle.
Hide: Causes your wizard to disappear from the game for some time (typically
about five rounds). During this time you will be unable to do anything, you
will not be able to cast creatures. However, you will be able to move any
creatures you have left on the board. The spell is most useful when your
wizard is in a tight spot. You reappear at a random position.
Higher Devil: A higher devil is summoned from from the pits of hell by the wizard.
They somewhat resemble demons in their appearance and abilities and are
generally shunned by other creatures including undeads. Once cast the devil
is very faithful to the wizard and will obediently carry out any tasks set
with no complaint.
Horror: A powerful form of sorcery which enables a creature to replicate
itself upon death by combat.
Horse: The horse may be ridden by the wizard and
is useful in this regard for carrying the wizard out of a tight spot. The
horse, however, best avoid conflicts and magical attack as they are not
particularly suited to combat.
Hybsil: An antelope centaur appearing in similar form to a centaur. They
are weaker than a true centaur but fire poisonned arrows. The hybsil can also
be ridden by the wizard.
Hydra: These slow moving multiheaded beasts are very hard
to kill and are extremely apt at fighting. The are not particularly stupid
either but have great trouble escaping from a conflict once initiated. The
hydra is strong enough to hold most undeads at bay for several turns.
Hyperclone: An extremely potent spell which will replicate every single
creature controlled by your wizard. Each clone will be functionally
equivalent to the original. Clearly this spell is most effective when you
already have a large number of creatures.
Ice Breath: Causes a wizard to breath out an icy beam. The icy beam can only
be resisted by magic. A creature with insufficient magical resistance will
die of hypothermia.
Imp: They imp is a very low form of devil and is not greatly feared.
Although the imp is not undead, it can attack undeads with ease.
Invert: The invert spell causes strange fluctuations in the strength of
creatures. Normally strong creatures will suddenly become very weak and
conversely weak creatures will become strong. The spell affects only the
creatures of the selected target.
Iridium Horse: A extraordinarily rare super enhanced form of horse. This spell
is even rarer than the powerful thundermare. As a general rule this spell
does not appear on spell lists (you are about as likely to get a generator
on your spell list). Under normal circumstances an irdium horse only
occurs when a thundermare kills a red, green, blue, or golden dragon.
The iridium horse is the ultimate in mounts. It is strong, swift, and
deadly in combat. Not only can it attack in similar vein to the thundermare,
but it also has a powerful iridium stare which affects several statistics of
the target simultaneously. The irdium horse also freely attacks undeads
even though it is not undead itself. The nightmare pales in comparison to
this awesome beast. Even demons are known to be wary of this animal.
The iridium horse represents the most powerful mount available and a
wizard fortunate enough to have an Iridium Horse commits an extreme faux pas
if he does not ride this beast.
Irvine's Invulnerability: Created by the ancient wizard Irvine to stave off
the deadly attacks of his arch-rival King Conwell who seems to have had
a fondness for catapulting cows at him when he wasn't looking.
This spell uses extremely powerful but rather unstable magic to render the
caster invulnerable to any and all physical attacks. After several turns
the instability becomes too great and the spell evaporates into
Jaguar: This jungle predator is very dangerous despite being slightly weaker
than the lion. The jaguar can outrun a lion and can even match the speed of
some flying creatures.
Jann: The weakest of the genies. This genie is able to cause random
occurrences of orange jelly, gooey blob, and green ooze. A jann can also
boil water and quench fires.
Joker: A powerful spell that causes your entire spell list to be randomly
permuted. When the joker is used, the chances of getting rare and otherwise
impossible to obtain spells improves.
Juju Zombie: An extra powerful zombie that attacks a creature's magical
resistance rather than their life force.
Justice: A spell which attempts to make a creature see the evil of its ways.
The feedback generated is often enough to kill the target. Can be applied to
wizards, does not require line of sight and has infinite range. 2 attempts
are granted, each of which inflicts 3 points of damage to the
creature's magical resistance.
Kill: An extremely potent spell only available by meditation. The chosen target,
living or undead, will instantly drop dead. The spell simply switches off the
creatures brain. Wizards are immune to its effects. Kills are best used on
strong undeads such as demons.
King Cobra: The king cobra has very little to recommend for it, aside from the
fact that its poisonous bite causes permanent damage to any victim stupid
enough to get close to it. Every creature is capable of killing a king
cobra, even creatures as low as bats, dire wolves, vultures, fauns, elves,
and pegasii can kill a king cobra in a single blow. The king cobra is also
stupid, has minimal magical resistance, and is sluggish. Assuming the cobra
survives an attack, it has a good chance of escaping the conflict.
Leopard: This predator is very ferocious although not as strong as a lion.
They can outrun nearly any land-ridden creature and some flying species.
The leopard offers considerable combat assistance to any party.
Lesser Devil: A lesser devil is summoned from from the pits of hell by the wizard.
They somewhat resemble demons in their appearance and abilities and are
generally shunned by other creatures including undeads. Once cast, the devil
is very faithful to the wizard and will obediently carry out any task
with no complaint.
Level: Improves your wizard's chances of getting unlikely and
difficult spells as bonus spells. The effect is cumulative. The more level
spells cast the better the chances of getting good spells.
Lich: This spell can only be applied to creatures on your team.
The creature concerned instantly becomes an undead but retains all
its current abilities.
Lich Lord: This spell is for the wizard. If your wizard is killed in combat
the wizard is reinstated in the game as an undead. The powerful magic used
in this spell usually produces a horrific, mutated copy of your wizard as
a side effect.
Lightning: An easy spell which causes the wizard to emit a lightning bolt.
The bolt can travel up to four squares and has both magical and physical
components. Line of sight is required.
Lion: The lion is a ferocious beast once provoked and can take considerable
punishment from a foe. The lion is amongst the faster of the land-ridden
creatures and has above-average intelligence. The lion comes into its own
in combat as it is a very proficient attacker with a good ability to escape
conflicts when things are not going its way.
Magic Attack: This spell can be cast on an enemy creature or wizard and will
lower the life force of the target, in extreme cases the target may
be killed.
Magic Bolt: A plain magical attack which works against any object. If used on
a dead creature the corpse will be destroyed. Will attack both the magical
resistance and the life force of the chosen target. Requires line of sight.
Best used against creatures with low magical resistance.
Magic Bow: A magic bow which can only be given to the casting wizard. The bow
will allow the wizard to shoot an arrow six squares each time the wizard moves.
In addition the wizard will be able to attack and shoot undeads. The bow can
be used in conjunction with other magical weapons.
Magic Castle: The magic castle is functionally equivalent
to the dark citadel. It provides a safe haven for
the wizard, and a place for meditation. There is a chance of the castle
collapsing at each turn, if this should happen while the wizard is inside, a new
spell will be granted.
Magic Glass: Allows the wizard to produce four pieces of magic glass. To
the opposition the glass has the strength and consistency of a wall, but to
your own creatures the glass will allow line of sight and ranged combat. It
is the ideal substance behind which to locate creatures with ranged combat
or even to hide your wizard. One nice thing about this spell is that you
don't need Line of Sight to cast it.
Magic Knife: A knife for the use of the wizard that has magical properties
rendering it effective against undeads. May be used in conjunction with a
magic sword or bow.
Magic Shield: A shield which can be used to increase a creature's magical
resistance. This quite frequent spell should be applied to your wizard and
your strong creatures. The shield remains in force until damaged by magical
attack. Applying a shield to a creature with maximum magical resistance
will give enhanced protection.
Magic Sword: A sword for the use of the wizard which increases the wizards
combat ability. The sword is magical and enables a wizard to attack undeads.
The sword can be used in conjunction with other magical weapons.
Magic Wand: Wow! What a great spell! Each Magic Wand increases your
casting range by 1 square cumulatively. Any wizard who could somehow
obtain 2 or 3 of these would be awesomely powerful. The Magic Wand
increases the casting range of not only magical spells, but of creatures
Magic Wood: Magic wood is very useful even though it cannot fight like a shadow
wood. The biggest boon of the magic wood is that a wizard may use such a tree
for meditation. When the tree collapses the wizard occupying the tree at the
time is granted a new spell. Unlike castles the trees will not collapse unless
occupied. The tree also provides a wizard with shielding from the watchful
eyes of the independents. Magic trees can be destroyed by combat and some
magical weapons. Any wizard may make use of any magic tree provided it is not
already occupied. Each magic wood spell can produce up to eight trees.
Mana Battery: An energetic source of magical and psionic energy. Any wizard
adjacent to such a battery will regularly gain new spells. The battery is
long life and none are known to have ceased operation by natural causes.
Naturally, independent creatures tend to loathe these batteries, as they
invariably result in a worse life for the independents.
Manticore: The manticore is one of the most powerful creatures
which may be ridden by a wizard. The manticore has the advantage of being able
to fire spikes from its tail as well as take part in direct combat. The
manticore also has a high magical resistance. The only drawback to the
manticore is its small brain.
Marid: The most powerful genie. A marid is able to perform quite a number
of spells which are usually advantageous to the controlling wizard. If
granted the marid should probably be keep in a secure position.
Mass Morph: A powerful spell best cast on an enemy with many creations. In
extreme circumstances, you might cast this spell on your own wizard. Mass
morph changes all of a wizards creatures into magic trees which can then be
used for meditation by any player. No wizard is affected by the spell.
Mass Resurrect: A spell which brings all visible corpses back to life as standard
living beetles. While beetles are not particularly useful this spell does
get rid of all the corpses which are visible.
Materialize: Are you sick of battling with creatures from the astral
planes? Are you tired of your living creatures being slaughtered wantonly
by the undead? Then this is the spell for you. All undeads will instantly become
living creatures attackable by all creatures.
Meddle: A wave of death passes over than land, followed by a
rejuvination. Some have likened it to a turning of the world. The
result is that all creatures pass to their reincarnation. The usual
result is a slight weakening of the world, since most creature
reincarnate downwards. An additional side effect is that all creatures
lose any current ability to reincarnate. Things which cannot be
reincarnated (like inanimate objects) are unaffected by this spell.
Meteor Storm: Causes rocks to fall from the sky to random locations on the
board. Any creature hit by a rock is likely to be severely damaged often
resulting in death.
Mind Flayer: The tentacle arms of this happy looking killer suck the
intellect of nearby opponents. The mind flayer itself
is very weak and will probably only make a single attack before dying
Miner Willy: A memorial to the greatest miner of all time. Miner Willy of Jet
Set Willy and Manic Miner fame. This brilliant edifice to Willy gives extra
kudos to your team since it shows you feel so confident in your position as
to have time to cast relatively weak spells. However, statue Willy is not
entirely useless and he makes a useful obstruction. This spell is also a
good choice for discarding.
Mount: Works over the entire world and does not require line of
sight. The recipient creature immediately becomes mountable and may be
mounted by the wizard.
Move It: An order to your creations to make an extra move. This spell is
useful when you want to quickly assert your dominance on the game. After
each wizard has moved you will be given a second chance to move all your
creatures. The extra move will occur in the same round as the spell is
Mud Man: A piece of animated mud, taking a vaguely humanoid form which bears
a resemblance to the earth elemental. They attack by hurling mud balls at
their opponents and are not easily damaged by swords or arrows.
Mutate: An extremely potent spell, similar in function to Alter Reality, but
affecting every creature of a given player. The spell can be used on strong
opposition to make it weak, or on yourself if you have many weak
Necropotence: A magical spell that effectively blocks psionic forces
for an indeterminate amount of time. Other wizards will be unable to
cast magic spells for a limited amount of time. It will not prevent
enemy wizards from casting creatures. Your wizard, however, will be
able to cast spells of both types. Some wizards may regain the
ability to cast magic spells after a single turn, for other wizards
this may take longer.
Neo-Otyugh: A weird tripodal scavenger. The neo-otyugh has three tentacle
arms one of which can lash out a considerable distance. They have a tough
hide and can survive persistent attack.
Nightmare: Also known as a demon horse or hell horse, nightmares are
creatures from the lower planes. They can, however, be ridden by the
wizard. They attack with their hooves which are burning hot.
No Grow: Works over the entire world and does not require line of sight.
Up to 10 pieces of growth can be altered in such a way that they will stop
No Mount: Works over the entire world and does not require line of
sight. The target creatures immediately become unmountable and may not be
mounted a wizard. Up to 3 creatures may be made unmountable.
Nonarchery: Works over the entire world and does not require line of
sight. 2 attempts are granted and each will remove the archery ability
from the chosen target.
Nuke: Nuke allows a wizard to invoke a local nuclear disturbance in a chosen
cell. Anything in the cell will be instantly destroyed. The chosen cell will
remain radioactive for the duration of the game. Anything trying to enter or
shoot into a radioactive cell also dies instantly.
Due to the magical protective aura surrounding a wizard, Nuke will not
succeed against a wizard or anything that a wizard is riding on or
meditating in. Thus a Nuke will succeed against a generator but will fail
against a horse being ridden by a wizard. Nukes can only be obtained by
Ogre: The ogre is similar in ability to the gorilla, the troll, and
the goblin. Like these other creatures the ogre is very useful in a
supporting role in a major offensive but best avoid lone conflicts.
Ogre Assassin: The Ogre Assassin is a battle hardened ogre. They have been
specially trained in a full gamut of lethal combat techniques and form a
dependable attack creature where there is a need to get in quick and do
Ogre Mage: Some ogres receive special training in the use of magic. These
ogres enjoy casting fireballs at opponents over a great distance. They are
also trained in the medical arts. They are identical to the standard ogre
in appearance.
Ogre Warrior: The warrior ogre is a battle hardened ogre. They fight with
considerably more vigour than the standard orge and can take more
punishment before they will succumb to exhaustion. They have little time
for magic.
Orange Jelly: Yet another growth. Orange jelly grows very quickly but is
correspondingly weak and even an orc has some chance of killing a piece of
jelly. Use an orange jelly when you want to quickly clog up an area of the
Orc: The orc is typical of many exceedingly common
species in having very limited abilities. Free orcs band together in tribes but
those under a wizard have deserted their tribes and pledged loyalty to their
wizard. Orcs are easily slain and are only of minimal use. Their greatest asset
is their frequency. They hate elves and will kill them whenever possible but would rather avoid the stronger ogre.
Orcs: Sometimes when an orc is cast he will con a few friends into joining
your side. Up to eight orcs in total may be obtained. Although a single orc
offers little, a group of eight is very useful for blocking generators or
in the early stages of the game.
Paradigm Shift: Wizards generally maintain their forces of undeads by
continual mental domination of the objects concerned. This spell tweaks the
minds of all wizards so that all the undeads once again become only
potentials. This means all undeads currently on the board will be removed.
However, it cannot cleanse them completely and all such undeads will
reappear on their controlling wizard's spell list. Indepedent undeads will
be utterly destroyed. Normally living creatures which have been raised will
also suffer the same fate. The undeads of the caster are not immune because
of the wide area pulse this spell creates. The spell is best used when you
have few or no undeads of your own and is particularly effective when there
are many independent undeads.
Passage: A special ability for the wizard, which enables a wizard to pass
through any distance of occupied space and to emerge on the first vacant
piece of ground. The movement is instantaneous in the given direction. If you
are mounted or metidated then that object will accompany as you pass.
Pegasus: The pegasus is a winged horse and may be ridden by
the wizard. The pegasus can be used to carry the wizard to safety or to mount
aerial attacks on the enemy. If the pegasus is flown with a manticore or
gryphon an effective combat group can be formed.
Pit: A deep hole in the ground. Any ground ridden creature attempting to
cross the pit will fall in and instantly die. However, the creature will
fill in the pit and it will no longer be effective. Up to eight pits can be
created at considerable distance, line of sight is not required.
Plasma Beam: Causes the wizard to emit a beam of plasma which will blast
everything in its passage as it streaks across the screen in the chosen
direction. Simply pick a cell adjacent to the wizard to specify the direction.
The wizard's own creatures are not immune to the beam.
Platinum Dragon: The platinum dragon or Bahamut is
the king of the good dragons and is unique. A summons can only be granted
through meditation. The platinum dragon has the highest stamina of any
creature, can attack as well as a vampire, fly, and make use of a breath
weapon. The breath of Bahamut is so strong that it is likely to start an
elemental fire, similar to that produced by the Fire spell. Bahamut has
exceptional intelligence and self-healing ability. Bahamut, of course, cannot
directly kill undeads but the fire breath can be used on undeads.
Points: When competing for honour against other wizards it is desirable
that your final score reflects your ability. This simple spell awards your
wizard a hundred points in reflection of his greatness. Unfortunately, the
spell does nothing to assist your fate in the world. The spell is best cast
when you are stuck in a corner with no room to cast a more productive spell.
The spell is most beneficial in limited turn games where you are playing
solely for points.
Poison Dagger: A spell which causes the chosen target to stop attacking life
force and turn to more sinister means of accomplishing the same task. The
chosen target will instead infect during combat. The infection is very
strong and will quickly mitigate the recovery rate of strong creatures
leading swiftly to death. For humanoid races this spell gives the combatant
an infected dagger, for other creatures appropriate action is taken,
ranging from poisonous fangs to astral viruses. The dagger does 5 points
of damage.
Pool: This little puddle is much more than it appears. Creatures placed next
to the pool will heal their wounds much faster than normal. The healing
will work on any nearby creature irrespective of the owner, thus great care
should be taken in the placing of the pool to ensure your creatures derive
the maximum benefit.
Power Wall: A type of wall constructed by hand and not usually available by
Pox: The pox is a highly infectious and contagious disease which is spread
by proximity. Creatures infected with the pox will slowly wilt and may
eventually die. Wizards are not immune to its effects
but can be protected with a pox shield. All creatures can be cured of the
pox by the cure spell. This spell allows you to infect one creature with
the disease.
Pox Shield: A special shield for the wizard to guard against the pox.
Protection: A magical shield specifically for the wizard. This should be applied after
your wizard has been magically attacked to restore the wizards shield. Applying the shield
to a wizard with maximum magical protection with give additional long term protection.
Pseudodragon: An imitation dragon which is considerably weaker than a real
dragon, but which will strike fear into opponents who have not witnessed
one before.
Pyrohydra: The pyrohydra is an extremely lethal
variant of the standard hydra. The pyrohydra is able to emit a burst of fire
from all of its heads simultaneously. The temperature and destructiveness of
this breath exceeds that of all but the strongest dragons. The range of the
breath is rather limited. A pyrohydra can only be obtained by meditation and
even then is rather unlikely. Most other living creatures should not risk
approaching a pyrohydra.
Pyrotechnics: Causes the wizard to emit a volley of rockets into several
nearby cells. The spell is hard to control and often the wizards own
creations may suffer some impacts. The spell is best used when the wizard
is surrounded by weak opposition creatures. The rockets are particularly
effective as they often explode inside their targets.
Python: A snake which kills its prey by constriction. The snake is, however,
not poisonous and therefore not feared by larger creatures.
Quench: Extinguishes all fires on the screen, irrespective of the owner. Only
available by meditation.
Quickshot: Advanced rapid-fire training for a wizard. Allows the wizard to
shoot with a bow three times instead of once.
Raise Dead: The Raise Dead spell is a highly sought after spell. It enables a
wizard to bring a corpse back from the dead as an undead.
Whatever is raised comes back from the dead as if it had just been cast by the
wizard except that it will be an undead. Don't be too quick to use your raise
dead spell, but don't hold back on it for too long either. The spell has only
a short range and requires line of sight.
Range Boost: A spell to improve the ranged combat abilities of any creature
which has a shooting weapon, including dragons, elves, wizards with bows,
pyrohydra and so on. It has no effect on creatures without some initial
Recover Boost: This spell will increase its target's ability to heal wounds,
provided of course the recovery rate in not already at maximum. The spell
is best cast on your wizard or a strong creature such as a hydra or
crocodile or on an undead.
Red Dragon: The red dragon is slightly superior to the green dragon in several
respects. Like all dragons, a red dragon should not be attacked in an ad hoc
manner. If you wish to kill a red dragon you are going to need some real muscle.
The red dragon has medium magical resistance.
Reflector: A special shield for a wizard which protects the wizard against
ranged combat. Any incoming arrow, missile or dragon breath undergoes a phase
shift and is redirected to the source of the attack. The
shield is not effective against normal combat or magical attacks.
Reincarnate: Gives a creature a reincarnation sequence. Once killed a
creature possessing this important property will not disappear altogether
but will return to life as another, usually weaker, creature. The giant
beetle is the final state for living creatures, and the imp is the final
state for undeads.
Replicate: Make a clone of the chosen creature. The clone will belong to the
same player as the original, so you best replicate one of your own creatures.
The copy is identical in every respect. Replicate will fail if there is no
empty space adjacent to the creature to be duplicated. Replicating one's own
wizard causes prolonged disorientaton.
Repulsion: A spell which attempts to create space around a wizard.
Everything near the wizard is forced to move out a cell.
Request: Sometimes a wizard does not have time to formulate a summons for a
particular creature. In this spell the wizard incants at speed and the
result is unpredictable. You may get any creature as a result.
Restoration: Restoration restores a creature to its original mint condition.
It also works on inanimate objects.
Reveal: Reveal is the opposite of cloak. Using reveal on a non-cloaked creature
does nothing, and is a waste of the spell. Using reveal on a cloaked creature
will destroy the cloak rendering the creature visible again. Once revealed
the creature can be attacked as per normal. Reveal works anywhere and does not
require line of sight.
Ride: Special training for the wizard which enables him to ride dragons as
well as the usual creatures. In addition the wizard will be able to mount
elephants, dinosaurs, and the bird lord.
Robot: A very strong battle machine controlled by the wizard. A robot can
only be destroyed by beating it to sheet metal. They are comparable to a
stone giant in abilities but much rarer and more demanding on the casting
Rock: A large stone that functions in a similar way to a piece of wall.
However, only a single rock is available. It can be cast on dead creatures
unlike wall.
Roper: Once cast, a roper moves and fights on its own accord but remains
loyal to the casting wizard. The roper has six rope like limbs which it
uses to snare opponents and choke them to death. The roper is normally
immobile but will occasionally teleport itself to a new location.
Sanctuary: Allows a wizard to recover quicker from any wounds received. The
effect remains in force for the duration of the game.
Separation: Breaks any alliance your wizard is currently in. Useful when
weak wizards force you into unwanted alliances.
Shade: A human transformed by their own magic or dark science into a much
more omninous being. The shade are rumoured to have several special
abilities, but as yet these have not been revealed.
Shadow: This horrible undead creature is nearly invisible and drains an
enemie's strength merely by touch. They are fast moving and quite strong.
They have little magical resistance and the best way to destroy a shadow is
by a magic bolt or similar weapon.
Shadow City: A mysterious safe haven for the wizard. It is a home of the
dead and as such normal creatures should avoid coming in contact with a
shadow city. It essentially behaves as an undead. These havens are much
rarer than magic castles or dark citadels. When they collapse with a
resident wizard the potential benefits are high. It is unlikely the city
will be detroyed by attack.
Shadow Dragon: A partial reincarnation of a previously living dragon. A
dragon which is due to be reincarnated is likely to become a shadow dragon.
The spell can also be cast directly, but is very rare.
Shadow Wood: The shadow wood is a useful tree when they
are on your side. The shadow wood cannot move but it can attack any enemy
living creature that strays into an adjacent square. Unlike the magic wood the
shadow wood cannot be used for meditation by a wizard. Each cast allows for six
trees to be conjured up to twelve cells away from the wizard.
Shape Changer: This special creature has no single form, but can appear as a
lion, a bear, or a crocodile. The abilities of the shape changer slightly
exceed those of its constituent forms. The shape changer is only available
by meditation.
Shocker: Fits the recipent with an electromagnetic pulse generator
which will output one isotropic high energy pulse per round. Essentially
this means enemy creatures adjacent to this creature will suffer an
additional wounding at the end of each round. The pulse is extremely deadly
and given the choice an opponent would be better off standing adjacent to
2 wasp nests simultaneously.
Simulacrum: A weaker form of the Replicate spell. A copy of the chosen
target is made. The copy will belong to the same player as the original.
The copy, however, will be reasonably weak. Simulacrumming one's own wizard
causes prolonged disorientation.
Singular Earthbind: This spell does not require line of sight and works over the
entire world. The target of this spell loses their wings and can no longer
Skeleton: The skeleton is a magically animated human
skeleton having no intelligence or magical resistance and is the weakest
undead. Skeletons are easily conjured so they are a very common undead. The
skeleton is useful for holding living creatures at bay but quickly dies when
attacked by any other type of undead.
Sleep: The sleep spell as the name suggests can be used to put a creature to
sleep. Sleep does not work on wizards or on growths like gooey blobs. Once
asleep a creature cannot move or attack. It is possible to attack
sleeping creatures. The spell can be reversed by a wake spell. The pair
sleep-wake presents an alternative to using a subversion spell, but be aware
that any wizard can use either spell. Sleep spells are best reserved for
use on strong opponents. The sleep state is identical to that induced on
creatures when a wizard dies.
Slow: Works over the entire world and does not require line of sight.
The target will only be able to move a single cell at a time.
Does not affect ranged combat. Up to 3 creatures may be slowed down.
Solar: A powerful undead spirit which would normal only serve a good
deity, but under exceptional circumstances will aid a wizard. When their
assistance is given they will do so on their own accord. However, the solar
will remain loyal to its casting wizard.
Spectator: An observant creature that has little interest in battle.
However, prolonged exposure to this creature can cause loss of sight,
resulting in a greatly reduced agility rating.
Spectre: The spectre is a powerful undead human having an
existence in its own right, unlike skeletons and zombies which are maintained
continuously by the wizard. The spectre has abilities comparable to a
Speed: Works over the entire world and does not require line of sight. The target
will be able to move an incredible ten cells per turn. Does not affect
ranged combat. Up to 2 creatures may be speeded up.
Spider: A menacing hinderance to the opposition. Although unlikely to be
fatal to any opposition the spider takes some effort to kill.
Spriggan: An ugly, dour cousin of the gnome, generally dwelling in ruins.
They do not normally associate with wizards, and hate being in the company
of many humanoid races. If they become stressed they may suddenly decide to
take a nap.
Standard Wall: This is the most common type of wall in practice. Like the weak
wall this wall is vulnerable to magic attacks, but has a stronger constituency
making it less vulnerable to combat attack. Four pieces can be cast per spell
over a limited distance. Line of sight is required.
Still: Heal the world form all the wounds created by earthquakes. However,
it does not prevent the possibility of future earthquakes.
Stone Giant: Capable of killing fauns, elves, horses and giant
rats in a single blow, the stone giant is a truly awesome creature. Stone
giants have been known to kill lesser dragons and even once a pyrohydra. What's
more the stone giant is a brilliant defender. Once in battle, however, the
giant must fight to the death, but usually the giant will emerge as the
Stone Golem: As the name suggests these unintelligent creations are made of
stone and are therefore very strong and can take much punishment. The
crushing blow of a stone golem's fist is enough to deter most assailants.
They are, however, quite susceptible to magic attack.
Storm: Causes the wizard to emit a random volley of lightning bolts. Due
to the number of bolts produced the wizard will not be able to control where
they land or which creatures are affected. The spell should be used
cautiously. It is best applied when the wizard is surrounded by enemy
Strong Wall: This kind of wall is only available through meditation. Strong wall
is superior to weak wall and standard wall as it has inbuilt magical resistance,
making it much harder to destroy. Only three pieces are granted per spell.
Subversion: Subversion is an attempt to convince an enemy creature that its
interests might be better served if it had allegiance to your wizard. The spell
might or might not succeed. More intelligent creatures are less likely to
change sides than intelligent creatures. You will never be able to convince
another wizard to join your side or any creature such a wizard might be riding.
Subversion can be attempted on any creature (including sleeping creatures). The
spell requires line of sight. If the spell fails
nothing happens to either party. If the spell succeeds the target of the spell
immediately swaps to your side and will no longer respond to the commands of
its previous leader.
Summons: Surrounds the wizard with a random selection of creatures. This
spell is very useful in the early stages of the game.
Swap: Allows you to select another player with which to swap your position.
All creatures you currently control will become those of the target while
you will gain control of all their creations. Your spells, however, will
not be swapped.
Sword of Sassenrath: Works over the entire world and does not require line of sight.
The recipient of the Sword of Sassenrath will gain 5 points of combat and
will suddenly be able to attack undeads. Due to the fact that this mighty
weapon was forged by the Arch-Mage Sassenrath himself (one of the most
inteligent wizards to have ever lived), the recipient will also become
considerably more intelligent.
T-Rex: The tyrannosaurus rex is the most terrible and fearsome of the
carnivorous dinosaurs. Despite its size this animal is surprisingly swift
and is a good match for any dragon. It can kill many creatures with a
single bite. It is capable of killing a lion, pegasus, bear, or bird lord
within two turns. Tyrannosaurus is best attacked with magic.
Teleport: When a strong creature is attacking your wizard or when
your wizard is jammed in a tight spot a teleport spell is useful to jump
you safely to a new location. Select the empty cell you wish to move to and
activate the spell, your wizard will magically translocate to the specified
Tempest: A tempest is an air elemental which moves at its own volition. Inanimate
objects are not affected by a tempest. Any creature falling into a tempest will
be propelled to a new random location (which is sometimes desirable, but usually
best avoided). There is a small chance that the transported creature will not
survive the ordeal.
The Exorcist: The exorcist is very useful for purging the world of enemy undead
Thundermare: A rare enchantment over the standard horse. This creature is
very rarely available as a free spell, instead most often occurring when a
wizard riding a horse successfully kills another creature with the horse.
The thundermare has numerous advantages over the standard horse, although
its base strength is only slightly higher than the normal horse. Its
biggest asset is its advanced combat training. The thundermare is capable
of lashing out with all hooves simultaneously and still land back on them
afterwards. The thundermare represents an ideal safe haven for the wizard.
It has extreme magic resistance and will probably only be killed in direct
combat, if at all.
Torment: Allows your wizard to influence the strength of creature
casts made by all the other wizards. When another wizard casts a creature
its life force will be only 4 points, making it easy to kill. If you are
lucky the effect will hold for several creature casts of each wizard, but
more likely it will work once for each wizard. It has no effect on
independents or generated creatures.
Touch of God: A very powerful spell which can turn the weakest of creatures
into an extremely intelligent and powerful being. The spell can also be
cast on the wizard.
Triple: This is a highly sought after spell which gives the wizard the ability to
make three attempts with each subsequent spell, for a limited time. It does
not work with a few taxing spells like magic wood and justice. It is most
valuable near the start of the game when building your forces.
Troll: The troll has an uncanny ability for being able to
heal its wounds very quickly but is a rather stupid creature. Trolls enjoy a
good fight, but are more suitable as accomplices to a stronger creature such as
a stone giant in a major offensive.
Turmoil: Turmoil affects every square in the world. Every cell is randomly
transposed to a new location. The result is very unpredictable and may or may
not improve your situation. Often useful when attacking a well fortified
opponent. This spell is only available through meditation and is very rare.
Turns: Are you tired of expending a large amount of energy struggling
in what seems to be a never ending battle. This spell could be answer. If
the number of turns remaining exceeds ten then this spell will give
everyone a major hurry up by cutting the number of remaining turns to just
ten. However, the spell is bipolar and if the number of turns remaining is
less than ten then an additional ten turns will be granted.
Ubiquiscope: The Ubiquiscope is equivalent to a Crystal Ball + a Magic Wand
combined. A highly desirable spell which removes the need for your
wizard to have line of sight in order to cast a spell. With the
Ubiquiscope, your wizard can "see" everywhere. Range restrictions still
apply as usual, though each Ubiquiscope will add +1 to your casting range.
Uncertainty: Allows the wizard to harness the energy provided for under the
quantum uncertainty principle. For several turns after casting this spell
it is likely that creatures will just pop into existence on the side of the
casting wizard.
Unicorn: Unicorns can be ridden by a wizard but have
little else to recommend for them. While a unicorn's horn can inflict a serious
wound most unicorns are not particularly skilled in combat.
Vampire: The vampire is amongst the most feared of all
creatures, second only to the demon. The vampire has
exceptional intelligence, excellent fighting ability and a good magical
resistance as well as endurance. Vampires are known to have killed golden
dragons in five attacks. The chances of a vampire being killed in any direct
combat are minimal unless the vampire is attacked by other vampires or by a
demon. Usually a vampire is only destroyed by magical means.
Vanish: Cause the chosen target to move to the astral plane. The object
will instantly disappear and not return for some rounds. The spell can be
applied to anything including generators and enemy wizards or even
Vengeance: Vengeance is used to seek vengeance against an opponent.
Vegeance cannot be applied to inanimate objects but may be used against
anything else. The chosen target suffers three points of damage to its
magic resistance. Line of sight is not required.
Violet Fungi: Once cast a violet fungi no longer responds to commands from
its creator, although it will not harm its creator in any way. The violet
fungi releases toxic spores which reduce the recovery rate and stamina
of nearby opponents. Occasionally, a fungi may sprout additional fungi.
Virtue: A vapourous blast of multichromatic light resulting in the
death of many white coloured species. The caster's own creatures are not
immune. The following species are immediately vapourized: air elementals,
arctic wolves, bats, derros, eyes, falcons, fauns, fire bats, gryphons, pegasii,
rats, skeletons, stone giants, stone golems, trolls, and white dragons.
Vitality: A strong encouragement to your creations. This spells gives them
peace of mind which means that their wounds will heal at a faster rate than
normal. Its effect is cumulative.
Vodka: This spell causes bottles of Vodka to appear nearby all the
creatures controlled by the same wizard as your target. All the creatures
will be very happy about receiving this free gift and will merrily chug it
all down. The end result is that they will all be drunk for 2 turns
cumulative and their combat ability will be effectively cut in half.
Volcano: Unleashes powerful tectonic forces resulting in the creation of a
small volcano. Any creature nearby will become more agile. However, the
volcano is inherently unstable and can explode without warning.
Vortex: A roaming temporal anomaly that moves slowly around the board.
Creatures caught up in the vortex will become temporally distorted. They are
typically propelled several rounds into the future.
Vulture: The vulture is easily cast and unlike most
creatures can be cast up to two squares away from the wizard, provided there is
line of sight. The vulture easily escapes from conflict and has good
Wake: The wake spell is used to reverse the effect of the sleep spell or to wake
creatures which went to sleep when a wizard died. Once woken a creature will be
under the allegiance of the wizard who cast the wake spell, irrespective of
how the creature was put to sleep. Quickly make use of this spell when the
chance arises as sleeping creatures tend to decay.
Wasp Nest: A wasp nest is pretty self-explanatory, any enemy creature
approaching a wasp nest will be automatically attacked. Once you cast a
wasp nest you can forget about it, since you cannot move it and it attacks
automatically. It will attack all adjacent squares simultaneously.
The wasps are friendly towards the creations of its owner.
Water Elemental: A dangerous creature closely resembling an undead. Upon its
death it decays into a flood which can expand to cover the world.
Weak Wall: Despite its name, the weak wall is a formidable obstacle for
an opponent to overcome. It is extremely useful for slowing the passage of
fire, or blocking the growth of gooey blob. The name only implies that
this wall is weaker than standard wall or strong wall. Most magical
attacks will eliminate a weak wall. The wall can also be destroyed by
combat but this will usually take several rounds. For each weak wall spell
six pieces of wall may be cast anywhere on the screen.
Web: Allows the wizard to magically create a few pieces of spider web. Such
web is useful for blocking weak opponents, but will not stop a determined
White Dragon: White dragons normally dwell only in cold regions. Meditation may
allow a wizard to call upon a white dragon. The white dragon is very strong but
slower than other dragons due to its lower metabolic rate. The white dragon can
freeze other species to death with a breath weapon which is more effective than
the breath weapons of the red and green dragons.
Wight: The wight is an evil undead and falls into the
middle of the undeads in terms of overall ability. They can be beaten by
wraiths, ghosts and vampires but can deal to skeletons and zombies.
Wizard: A pseudowizard which often confuses other players as to who is
the real wizard. The fake wizard is unable to cast spells but can partake
in normal combat. The spell is only available by meditation, although generators
will produce fake wizards frequently.
Wizard Wings: Wizard wings gives your wizard the ability to fly and will set
his movement to 6. The spell will only work on your wizard. Provided the
wizard is not engaged or dismounting, flight with the range of an eagle
will be possible. Wizard Wings are particularly useful for hopping between
magic wood trees.
Wolverine: A ferocious mutant wolf that loves killing and is
very good at it. Wolverines normally shun wizards and can only be obtained
through meditation. Apart from its superior fighting ability the wolverine is
much the same as the dire wolf. They loathe dire wolves which they
consider as unwanted competition for food.
Wood Elf: Like all elves the wood elf has a pure heart
giving them a high magical resistance (particularly from the darker kinds of
magic). Wood elves are physically weak and should best avoid direct combat.
Wood elves are highly skilled with a bow.
Every wood elf comes complete with an ash bow and a full quiver of arrows. The
ability of the wood elf is slightly exceeded by their rarer cousin the gray
Wraith: The wraith is closely related to the wight but is
superior in several respects. Wraiths have exceptional intelligence and
excellent magical resistance. The wraith can outrun most lesser undeads but
rarely has the need to, since the wraith is a proficient killer.
X-Ray: Blast an object with a high dosage of X-rays. Weak creatures will die
instantly, other creatures might survive a few blasts but will be weakened.
Line of sight is required. Can be used on inanimate objects.
Zombie: The zombie is a magically animated corpse and is only
slightly more sophisticated than a skeleton. Like the skeleton, the zombie
is very effective at blocking the progress of land-ridden living creatures.
Other undeads, however, can quickly dispose of the zombie.