3DWorld (4/92)

From:Pavel Narozny
Date:3 Aug 99 at 19:16:57
Subject:VooDoo2 & Banshee

> Comparing card 1 in system A with card 2 in system B is pointless.
> Results are only comparable when only one parameter (read: card) is
> changed with the remains kept the same.

Ofcourse, but diference betwen PII and Celeron at nearly same clock is
ninimal, at least for uncached operations, so then...
And 3D performace is MAINLY bassed at massive FillRate, what VooDoo2
have and Banshee NOT.

>> For me are important get info abotu Bansheed from Klaus, so.
>> I still can't recong if he say 1.5x VooDoo or 1.5x VooDoo2... so.

> I wrote that Voodoo3 is kind of "Banshee 1.5" in a way that i has a
> second texture unit and higher clock-spes but the remaining stuff is
> unchanged (16BPP, 256x256 textures, 16MB, ...).

Yenah, thanks for info again, Klaus!
(and my opinion are that 256*256 is enought big and 16bit (at least
THAT 16bit WHAT come from VooDoo2/3 are quite enought - at least for me,
especialy when speed is breathless....)

Only that are weird for me, that i can't recongize this well-known UGLY
as HELL dither from ViRGE and his 15bit modes.
16 bit are one more bit per gun only, so then that can't make enought
(?) colors at least...

And ideas?

Rendered image looking still undithered, even in 640*480 -> good visible
if dithered or not.

Anyone know why ViRGE render is ugly compared to this?
(hope hope that 24bit ViRGE render solve this =)

> Please quote me correctly, I don't think I compared Banshee to Voodoo2.

Yes, sorry. I don't remembering correctly, if you re-read my mail again,
you will recongize that i'm never been sure what you are comparing to

At last, for me is Banshee a BIG disapointment anyway.

See ya!

Pavel Narozny, Troda of PEGAS, troda@cbnet.cz

"Intel inside, idiot outside."