AMOS (49/96)

From:Arash Tavakoli
Date:1 Jul 99 at 16:32:18
Subject:Re: [amos-list] Seemingly easy task...

From: Arash Tavakoli <>

I finally got around to testing all of the algorithms suggested:)

The only one that seems accurately is Claudes:)
The Michener algorithm seems totally identical to the amos/turboplus

now for the task of figuring out what it's doing...:))

btw for those who wonder i'm trying to make curves for a vector drawing thing
i'm making... (which gets considerably harder whan i have no idea how to
rotate Michener generated curves:)
(maybe i should have asked for a spline algorithm instead... but got a bit
gobsmacked when i couldn't even draw a circle:)

to Peter Cahill:
It would be really nice if you could send bresnhams line and circle
(then i could check out which algorithm is best for the intended use:)

BIG thanks to the all who have helped,
Arash Tavakoli

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