Blitz (158/640)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:4 Sep 99 at 10:18:22
Subject:Re: Blitz and MUI

I watched as Rob Hutchinson hammered "Re: Blitz and MUI" out on their

>> I have been playing with Blitz2 and MUI for the last few days and am
>> finding it rather interesting. I have been looking on the net for some
>> kind of MUI Interface builder that generates Blitz2 code to make things
>> easier, but without any luck.

> No, I dont think there is one, unless someone has done a save
> module for MUIBuilder that I`m not aware of.

What do you need one for anyway? Half the point of MUI is that it doesn't
use an outmoded "coordinates" system for it becomes
easier for the programmer to create his GUI.

>> Does anyone know of any such program? thanks.

> MUIBuilder works with C and E I think, but not blitz I`m affraid,
> I dont know if there are any others.

Ya don't need it :)

Rick Hodger - Programmer for #Pagan Software#

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