Blitz (197/640)

From:David McMinn
Date:2 Sep 99 at 15:56:48
Subject:Re: REDDebugger

Hi Gaz

> Hi,
> My REDDebugger has all of a sudden started crashing whenever it reaches
> a
> command like Exists, OpenFile, OpenLibrary_ etc.
> And I don't know why.
> GURU' so far:
> 8000 0004
> 8000 0002
> 8000 000B

Its probably just your programs crashing >). Make sure you have the latest
version of the debugger though, there's an RWE patch on B2000 site.

> I'm just gunna try it with Enforcer...
> A helluva lot of hits, followed by a reboot.
> Anyone got a REDDebugger that doesn't cause Enforcer hits, or am I living
> in never never land =]

Never never land I'm afraid. See the REDDebugger reads from memory it doesn't
own and low memory addresses, so Enforcer spews. Before you run Enforcer, close
the register window, save configuration in the debugger. Run enforcer again
when you run your program and most of the hits cuased by the debugger will have
gone (maybe even all of them, but who knows :)

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