Blitz (220/640)

From:Julian Kinraid
Date:2 Sep 99 at 04:37:07
Subject:Re: PowerBasic is now Pure Basic and nearly ready for the 1st release

Frederic Laboureur wrote:
> Hello Blitzer,
> Pure Basic is now ready for the 1st release, only minor changes on
> the documentations have to be done. In a first time, the Pure Basic
> will be a CLI only compiler and you have to use an external editor
> to build the source code. The editor is still in progression and should
> be finished the next months. If someone know how to do an extention
> for GoldED to tokenize internal PureBasic functions and comment it
> could be good.

I've already done a couple of GoldED plugins for Blitz, so as long as
the syntax for Power Basic is similar, it will be pretty easy to
change. If all that needs changing is the list of Power Basic
functions, then practically nothing needs to be changed (unless the
newer version of GoldED are radically different to the version my plugin
was written for).

Julian Kinraid ....... ....... ICQ:17257217
"je suis american, please cook my steak again"

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