Blitz (250/640)

From:Simon Hitchen
Date:30 Aug 99 at 09:48:43
Subject:Re: Filter stuff (Was: VisualPrefs problems)

Hello James L Boyd,

> Probably the filter thing will be fixed by this too, but
> here's how to turn the filter on and off :
> (Hardware Poke, no Enforcer hits :)
> Poke.b $bfe001,0 - on
> Poke.b $bfe001,2 - off
> Weird thing though - if you Peek this location, it'll read -2 if it's
> on (0 if off), even if you poke it with 2 just before peeking it...anyone
> know why (just out of curiosity)?

'Cos you're peeking the whole byte, the rest of the bits could be 0 or
1 so it could return any byte value IYSWIM :)

You could try this :)

; Record filter setting at the start so we can restore
; it later in a nice user friendly way :)


; Set the filter on or off as many times as you
; need to in your proggy by using...

BCLR #1,$bfe001 ; filter on

; or....

BSET #1,$bfe001 ; filter off

; Restore the original filter settings at the end

If filtstate AND %10
BSET #1,$bfe001 ; filter off
BCLR #1,$bfe001 ; filter on
End If

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