Blitz (257/640)

From:Anton Reinauer
Date:29 Aug 99 at 05:20:49
Subject:Re: Future of Amiga

On 29-Aug-99, wrote:

> A while ago Jim Collas stated that communication was important, and
> made an effort to keep the community updated. Now they seem to have
> done another U-turn, and stated "For the next several months, the
> Amiga staff will be focused on implementing our business and product
> plans. We will not be discussing or commenting on future company
> directions during this time. ".

> This all sound a bit suspicious, getting closer to a new machine
> launch you would be expecting them to be shouting a bit more loudly. I
> understand that they can't or won't release the specs. But this
> silence hardly inspires confidence. It wouldn't surprise me at all if
> bad news is on the way...but then I am a bit of a pessimist. ;)

Yes, it's a little worrying, either Gateway's on their back for
releasing info, or.... :/

Anton Reinauer <>

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