Blitz (297/640)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:5 Sep 99 at 20:53:11
Subject:Re: HTTP access

I watched as James L Boyd hammered "HTTP access" out on their keyboard...

> Hi all,

> I've just been trying to use Jeroen Petrick's Blitzget source,
> for downloading files from the net, but all the files are coming up
> "Not found", even when they're there (or rather, the files are
> downloaded /containing/ that text). Somebody (sorry!) warned me that it
> uses the HTTP 1.0 protocol, whereas most ISP use 1.1, so I'm guessing
> this is why it isn't working (?). I'm using Paul Burkey's latest
> TCPFuncs file as the includes, and everything seems to be working,
> just that, like I said, all files contain "Sorry...not found..."

> Does anyone have any docs on what command I should be sending to
> a server to download a file? From what I can tell, this sends
> something like "GET"...

> I'm assuming that's the problem, and not the TCPfuncs stuff...

Probably. What you need to do is send a "host" request as well, so before
you send your "GET" command, you'd send "Host: servername" eg.

GET / HTTP/1.1

This tells it to get the root document (/) of the server

If it were, you'd send:

GET /Open/discussion.htm HTTP/1.1

But be warned that it does send a few extra headers like last date and time
updated etc.

Rick Hodger - Programmer for #Pagan Software#

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