Blitz (305/640)

From:Curt Esser
Date:6 Sep 99 at 15:22:42
Subject:Re: NTSC

Hi David

On 06-Sep-99, David McMinn wrote:
>> Yes - sorry. That's the real reason for the NTSC and PAL modes - to make
>> the output compatible with the local TV system...
>> Or do you mean that stuff forced into NTSC mode works on your PAL TV?
> Yep, I think so. You sometimes need to adjust the vertical sync of the TV
> (if its got one that is, like my old 14") or if you've got a flashy TV
> that does NTSC automatically, you're sorted.

Ah, I see. The problem with a NTSC TV is that it can't display more lines,
so forcing the system into PAL doesn't help - even if you can correct the
"rolling" of the screen with the vertical synch, you still can't see the
bottom of the display.

And no TV's sold here (USA) are capable of PAL modes, since nothing is
broadcast in PAL on this side of the world...

The only solution here is to use a multi-synch monitor.
> But I didn't think you needed to use ForcePAL/NTSC, you could just create
> an NTSC sized display, which would work out OK on both systems. Of course,
> you'll still get differences in timer stuff.

And a blank space at the bottom of a PAL screen, I would think?

Or, you could go to the trouble of adjusting the display size, timing, etc,
to work properly on either system and offer a choice...

I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.

Yours electronically,
Curt Esser

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